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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Friday, 19 February 2016

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Velvetarms

This artist also goes under the name jojo-kun and produces an eclectic range of imagery featuring both gay and straight subjects much of it in the modern ‘spiky’, fantasy style illustrated in the first example. I prefer more sensuality but I like the clothes-ripping element in this image. We’ll pass over the clichéd, spread-eagled pose.

jojo-kun - He likes It

The second example is more fetishistic, although this situation - of the captive induced to provide penetrative pleasure for his captor - would take some doing to achieve outside of consensual fantasy  play. The mundane title and unlikely top don’t add much but the artist has caught something special in the captive’s slightly crushed pose and confused look. The tinges of yellow in a (nicely balanced) colour palette point to a rather more earthy scene in progress than is first apparent and suggest an ingredient (the overwhelming urge to piss) that would make a sustained, involuntary erection rather more plausible. The gleam of the brass bedstead and blue shadowing of the sheets are nice, artistic touches in a satisfying picture.

 jojo-kun - Avengers Captain America + Gay Iron Man

This last image is stylistically quite different and without fetish overtones (unless you count superhero intercourse) but the artist has created two interesting, sexy characters and captured the intensity and passion of the moment (by allowing them to retain some of their clothes - porn producers note!)

but there's not a wealth of fetish material there.

 For more articles in this series click on the A-Z label below or search for specific artists using the index page or search boxes (top right)

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