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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Sunday, 4 October 2015

The Skill of Baron

 This is a fairly well-known image by Baron from 2004. It's an interesting variation on my long-running wedge theme if you like, but apart from the obvious interest of the cop's medieval-style predicament, I have always loved this picture for it's sexy use of clothing. The uniform lying on the floor points out a key element of the storyline, but would that all prisons adopted this inventive convict-striped underwear! The picture below illustrates just how much skill Baron applies to creating his images.

This picture shows how much work Baron did on the figures, subtly enhancing their physiques and then dressing them to fit his vision for the picture. You can see that the 'cop' actually started out life as a reclining figure and by simply turning him upright Baron creates a vicious arm suspension torture that hardly needs to be supplemented by the spiked riding bar. Looking closely you can see the where the overlays are but the light and shadow on the vest is impressively crafted.

Notice the 'key' motif reappearing, we saw it before in an earlier article Just Out Of Reach

My other articles about Baron's work :

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