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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Friday, 6 March 2015

Crucifixion of a Surfer

Sporting Losers - No 4 The Surfer

Mitchell SK05 - No Surfing Today

"The lifeguard down at Crucifix Beach is strange cove.
He takes a dim view of what he calls 'inappropriate beach attire', preferring his boys to wear baggy shorts. He especially hates skimpy briefs, describing them, somewhat enigmatically, as 'loin cloths' but I won't repeat what he calls the guys who wear them. 
He's a real disciplinarian too, he won't take any back-chat from the surfers and when the red flag is up he expects them to get out of the water and stay out. 
He has a vast repertoire of biblical guidance and warnings for young men who transgress. Even so none of the regulars were quite ready for what befell Sexy Simon the day he broke all the rules - with his usual panache."


This picture and story was originally posted in my 'Sporting Losers Series' 
which is now available in full at my Story Archive. View Mitchell's Sporting Losers.

The image owes something to Player's memorable surfer crucifixion but I have just realised that there's an even greater resemblance to a crucifixion drawing by Okawa although I didn't intentionally copy it, as far as I recall.

The significant ingredient mine and Okawa's have in common is the 'mini-wedge' between the legs, the looser restraint arrangement in my picture gives this unpleasant device fuller rein to torment the uncomfortable captive as his legs tire of lifting himself clear. I've added these two images to my collection on this subject 
(click on the 'riding the wedge' label at the foot of this post for more).


The Madahv picture of a man on the cross in my last post was the first time I have featured that artist here, but it's not the first time I have looked at crucifixion. By coincidence I have just revised a post for the letter 'C' in my A-Z of Fetish Artists featuring (among others) the artist Cyrano who specialises in this subject. Looking back I was surprised to find about a dozen other posts featuring imagery of the ordeal including my own collaboration with Hardman 'After The Storm'.
I have now introduced a 'crucified' label to make it easier to find them all (see foot of post).

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