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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Just Out of Reach

 Baron - Study of a Prisoner
During research for my recent post on Baron, I turned up this picture of a tethered slave and the 'key out of reach' motif reminded my of Tom's take on the same theme (below). I wanted an excuse to use Baron's terrific picture anyway, it's a marvellous figure with a beautiful physique and a sexy pose. I love the split underpants and the refreshingly relaxed cock.

Tom of Finland - Tethered
Tom's picture is a quite different subject and the stud's equipment is at the other end of the scale, as you might expect for a Tom picture (although it appears the leatherman retreating in the background didn't!) This is actually quite a nice sketch from the period when Tom's men looked youthful and beautiful, with real faces and dressed to reflect street fashion. 

But it's the vanquished leatherman who represents the future, 
a foretaste of the accident-prone, stereotypical hero 'Kake'. 

The slapping down of youthful 'entrants', depicted so clearly here, is funny enough,
 but the motivations seem oddly conservative (almost spiteful) for a sexual revolutionary like Tom, who is normally credited with depicting gay sex as a joyful pastime.


speedoric said...

Top photo instantly recognisible as Baron;the only slip is the puny modern key: Tom has a great clunky one to go with the chains

Mitchell said...

Baron's key puzzled me too, looks a bit like a sardine tin key. However this is only a study so we shouldn't be too harsh.