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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Arrest No 7 - Piss Patrol - part 6

Parker does his best to please Officer Roy building on the crash course he just received from Seagars - which was interrupted halfway through by Roy finding them at it.

“He's not much good, is he?” Roy says to Seagars, tweaking the other cop's nipple. “It's gonna take more than this for me to overlook your gross behaviour and dereliction of duty"

Roy tells Parker to help him out of his shirt so won't get sweaty and dirty. 
Parker, fumbling with the buttons, realises that he has an easy way out 
as he feels Seagars' beard bristling between his cheeks and Roy's hand on his tool 
twirling it like a smoker assessing an expensive cigar.


Seagars joins in, grabbing Parker's balls from behind.
He falls forward onto Roy's chest, and purely by accident, 
jerks the officer's uniform trousers down.


“Did you see that, Seagars?” exclaims Roy, “The punks's stripping me!”
Seagars jumps up and puts a double arm lock on Parker pulling him backwards. 
Parker groans in pleasure as Roy's mouth engulfs his cock.

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