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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Sunday, 9 September 2012

A-Z of Fetish Artists - My Favourite 'R'

It is my custom to select a personal favourite artist from each letter based on Technical Skill, Fetish Content and Sensuality. Leaving aside the 'one hit wonders', there are some real heavyweights in this group in artistic terms - RA Schultz, Rex, Rohr and Roscoe. Their works show convincing anatomy, design skill and dramatic visual effects.

For fetish content, revisiting the work of Brad Rader has been something of a revelation, Rex's subject matter is varied, audacious and beautifully sleazy while Rohr's blood-thirsty images take fetish to the extremes. The lesser artists in this group - RF, Rick Hard, Riton and Rorc have also contributed striking and varied S&M studies but Rőhm's fascist allusions push the boundaries too far for most, I suspect. Raute's spanking pictures are important in their field but fail the sensuality test for me. 

Rex - Gagged

My opening samples of R W Richards' work set the bar for sensuality in artwork and in their different ways Rex, Roscoe and to a lesser extent Rohr all rise to the challenge. I would also include Rico's solitary work here. 

However, it's quite easy for me to pick a winner this time, it has to be Rex, I think his atmospheric and technically exciting work has the edge over Rader, Rohr and Roscoe. My closing sample of Rex's work shows some elementary fetish ingredients - gag, leather, jockstrap plus one of Rex's less alarming animal allusions. I suspect I may be too naïve to understand what it's doing here! There's a nice touch of humour as the gagged man (another admirably masculine specimen) ponders the inaccessibility of that irresistible organ. Gagged and gagging I'd say.

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