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Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Monday, 3 January 2011

Connor at Bound Guys -2

Two pictures of Connor from a series called 'Property of...'
I get a bit twitchy about real life voluntary slavery but forced ownership as a fantasy is very erotic. Connor has a suitably concerned expression but the head resting on the bed cover spells out 'I submit'. The vest and line of the pinned-back arms is very sexy.

Readers will know I find clothing erotic and this struggling, 'vest-only' pose is excellent.

From a series called 'Puppy Training'.
Puppy or not, Connor's resigned, hang-dog(!) body language is terrific.
Again the Tee-shirt emphasises the nudity of the lower body even though not much is visible.
It also frames his head nicely at this angle. Clever photography.

See much more of Connor in next post and at Bound Guys

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