To my readers......


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I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

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Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Guys In Uniform - 5 Two guys in rolled-up shorts

Two Big Guys In Uniform

GIU models were regular guys, the two shown here have ordinary, imperfect faces and bodies but big masculine personalities. GIU's odd uniform of rolled up shorts and gaiters makes another appearance. Whatever the aesthetics of the look, there is a sense of sex and danger in this image. It looks as though GIU was trying to use standard military wear to achieve a 'rough' version of the 'tight shorts' look, shown in the picture below.
This picture is not by GIU but this look was a standard pin-up device from the 50's onwards. I won't sully my pages by showing one here but you may have seen a similar pin-up pictures of women in tight shorts and vest like top - often posing with large beach ball. The shorts of the man on the left actually create a similar effect to the female version - but look much better of course. Incidentally, this picture of the two sailors made a great impression on me when I first saw it as a youth. The shorts were legitimate outdoor wear but wearing them so tight with revealing bulges and undone zips seemed shockingly sexual to me then.
Picture 3 is an impressive submission image. The implication of boot licking isn't really essential, nor is the nudity, the power of the image comes from the kneeling model. With his head resting on the floor and hands voluntarily placed behind his back, he makes himself defenceless and totally submissive. The upright military posture and casual downward look of his companion provides the yang to his yin. I marvel at the ability of this studio to create such memorable power images.

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