Kirwan - Something Different
I confess that when I started this section of my review, I didn't expect to be including Kirwan as a fetish artist since his efforts in this area are usually presented in a whimsical manner which doesn't exactly galvanise my eroto-meter.
Kirwan - Stable Boy
However, on reviewing my collection, I have noticed that he seems to have covered every fetish imaginable at one time or another; from ladies underwear to long johns, from spanking to golden showers, from cops to priests. So much so, that it seems perverse to overlook him.
Kirwan's strength lies in humour and caricature. I admire his ability to capture real personalities in his subjects but a lot of them seem singularly unattractive - in body and face!
Kirwan - Slow Dance
Then again some of his subjects are extremely attractive and romantic. The brightly coloured cartoon imagery belies a versatile technique that encompasses serious and sensitive subject matter. Slow Dance above is a triumph.

Kirwan - Thrashing
By contrast, the thrashing picture is exceptionally graphic and full of action and drama. His command of lighting for dramatic effect in night scenes and dimly lit places is bold and impressive and when he chooses to employ perspective effects the sense of depth is very convincing.
Michael has a website at Mike Kirwan Arts, he also posts regularly at Yahoo Groups like Gaytoons and Homoart
--> Michael has a website at Mike Kirwan Arts, he also posts regularly at Yahoo Groups like Gaytoons and Homoart
Readers are welcome to contribute their own comments - even if they differ from mine!
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