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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Friday, 31 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 20

Todays mitchmen bondage pictures continue the sporting theme of yesterday with two men tied to gym equipment.
The first is from a classic series (produced by Zeus) showing Rocco De Vega, a good looking, muscular man tied to a rowing machine, legs akimbo. The interplay of muscle and rope speaks for itself but I enjoy the uncompromising gag as well. The man's stubble suggests the though that he's been a captive for a little while. Not surprising with a face and body like that.
The second captive is younger and showing a layer of puppy fat which give an impression of bulk which I find quite attractive. Interestingly he is mainly restrained at the shoulders although judging by the dangling ropes across his body the captor has left the job unfinished. The hands tied behind the head show off his upper arms whilst the ankle restraints showcase his bulky thighs.
The tape gag and angry look are very satisfying.

The second picture is another from Bound Guys

Thursday, 30 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 19

Today we get plenty of muscle in a wrestling cum bondage scenario from Can-Am.
The oily straining body of the overpowered man is attractive enough and many of us will enjoy the shapely form in his trunks but it is the rope emerging from behind his body and draped across his thigh which cleverly conveys the bondage story.
In picture 2 as the immobilisation proceeds to a hog tie position
the victim continues to grimace and struggle.
The sight of a handsome man in the process of being tied up is very erotic but it is relatively rare to find good images of it. Even though this is a fairly obvious simulation, the enthusiasm of the captive and his attractive appearance make the pictures satisfying.
The wrestling scenario simply depicts a humiliating submission but it is easy to imagine more sinister stories, a swimmer kidnapped during the championships, a sleeper disturbed by an intruder.......

N.B. To find these pictures on the Can-Am site, go to the Zone/Model Profiles and simply explore the videos listed for whichever model you fancy.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 18

Todays captive, a tough-looking man, is bound in slender cords which have been woven into two delicate cradles around his chest and groin. They serve to bind his biceps and wrists tightly in to his body.

He's wearing jeans like a working man. He has strong arms and lightly defined body. From the lighting and domestic setting it's as though a burglar has been caught in the act and over powered. The quizzical look on his face suggests he can't quite believe this is happening to him.
Images from Bound Guys

Monday, 27 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 17

The mitchmen review of muscle and rope bondage continues with two more pictures from the excellent BDMan Brazil today. The jockstrap is overdone in fetish art but this is quite a nice example. Interesting that we can't see the rear because he is tied to a chair! I like the economical ropework and gentle musculature but most of all the pleading appeal for assistance which the pose suggests.

In the picture below the ropework is completely over the top but in a strange way it serves to emphasise the victim's nudity. The ankle-thigh bindings are favourites of mine and the multiple windings of the cloth gag work well in conjunction with the 'help me' look.

I'm, not providing a link to BDManBrazil because it seems to be compromised at the moment. You can get it from the picture if you want to look. It's pretty good when you can get it!

Sunday, 26 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 16

I hesitate to use the work 'art' for a bondage picture,
but I think this picture is certainly striking enough to warrant a post of it's own.
The lighting is dramatic and the rope work is mostly decorative suggesting artistic intent.
The blindfold mask is probably a little sophisticated (feminine?) for serious male bondage fans.
It's still a great picture but I think the dramatic impact of the pose owes more to eroticism than art.

The subject appears to be either struggling to free himself
or in some sort of spasm induced by events outside of the frame.
Plenty of food for wicked imaginations!

The lighting and cropping of the picture turn it into something special.
Pictures like this remind us how much the camera
has enriched the vocabulary of artists generally.

Saturday, 25 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 15

A youthful Robert Black looks really great in this still from CanAm's 'Fetish Sex Fights' video. The process of being tied up, succumbing to the stronger man, as depicted here, can be very erotic. I must admit, however, that those videos which show the process completely unedited, complete with fumbles and butterfingers, which would permit any potential captive to escape with ease are not so fascinating. I sometimes think stills are better - capturing key moments and allowing imagination to fill in the rest.
Also from CanAm (below) is a Zeus image of Beau Hopkins in bondage.
Some nice packet framing rope and a torn vest provide the special interest.
The tights make a nice contribution too.

The CanAm site specialises in videos with a wrestling theme
the content also covers fetish stuff and even fetish wrestling.
Lots of pics at the site.

Friday, 24 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 14

I chose these two pictures because they have facets which particularly grab me.
In the first, the bondage is basic, the jockstrap is nice but that cute face and close-cropped hair fascinate me. The unusual pose also makes this picture a bit special, he's almost baby-like with feet waving in the air as he struggles to get up.

In the second picture the body itself is also free of bondage although the restraint position is firmly defined and pretty uncomfortable. The man's face is hidden but all this serves to focus attention on his underwear which actually looks as though it hasn't just come out of a packet. It looks clean but well used and consequently clings to the contours of his buttocks whilst wrinkling nicely underneath. Super.

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 13

The vulnerability of the tied up man is fully revealed when his captor also appears in the picture.
In the first example he seems to have done a very artistic job on the ropework, comprehensively restraining the arms and binding the body tightly. Now he begins to play. His captive is totally at his mercy.

In picture 2 the captive, a muscular, young blond is more lightly bound
but the look in his eye says "I know I am helpless and I await your will".
The neat cloth gag reinforces his subservience.
Again I am afraid I have no attribution for these pictures although the background looks as though it may be the Tom 'Ropes' McGurk set. I give the link but have no first hand experience of this site.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Muscle and Rope 12

Today's pictures have a military flavour. Prisoners of war not being treated well.
The first muscular specimen isn't tightly tied but he is big and that's enough to get the imagination going! The exposure of flesh to rope as his shirt is pulled aside gives a nice frisson as does the waistband of his undershorts peeking out between peeled back trouser flies.

I don't have an attribution for this picture or the one below.
This young POW is tightly tied around his generous pecs and his captors have been ripping away his clothes. Standing against the wall blindfolded and with head tilted back he seems to be in serious danger here.

I stumbled across the second picture recently* although it looks as though it's been around for a while. It has the look of 'Bound and Gagged'. The first picture is not of UK or US origin, it could be BDman Brazil.

*at Naughty Charlies Blog which is full of interesting fetish pictures 
including lots of old favourites and many I hadn't seen before.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 11

Two black and white pictures today continue the focus on rope art.
Picture 1 is from the excellent but now defunct publication 'Bound and Gagged'.
This man is muscular but with a lean frame. The cap and unruly hair suggest the subject is a real working man not a professional model. The ropework is a bit casual but the loop around the neck loop is more sinister. The subjects kneeling pose and bowed head tell us that he has surrendered to his fate.

I don't have an attribution for the second picture but see comment below. The black and white treatment accentuates the drama of the tautly posed subject. The ropes accentuate his back muscles instead of his pecs as in my previous pictures. This really looks like restraint!

Steve Landless (Zeus)

Monday, 20 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 10

Today a selection of images from the Bondo Gods films.
There's a sporting theme here again with tracksuits and jockstraps in evidence although those of you who have seen the films will know that they are somewhat abstract in nature, dwelling on the artistry of bondage rather than telling stories. This slant comes through in the first image.
.Part of the artistry is in the shaping and complexity of the actual ropework, accentuating as it does interesting body features which is what this little series of mine celebrates. The picture below will excite all devotees of the male rear and the interplay of the black rope and white jockstrap is nice

But the art of bondage is about much more. The sight of a man wrestling with his bonds of course, the sense of restraint and struggle in the picture below is quite strong.
But the noose-like formation which holds this man's arms in a flexed position hints at the more sinister purpose of art-bondage. To hold the limbs of the body in un-natural positions for long periods creates stress and pain without the captor having to do anything. This is why Japanese bondage sometimes shows a man forced to stand on one leg the other being bound in a flexed position. Eventually both legs suffer. Release can be even worse as anyone who has sampled tit clamps will testify. Bondage has the potential for serious torture.
Finally this picture shows another almost decorative aspect to the art. The thongs circling the legs do not serve to restrain the man - but demonstrate that he is in his captors total control. Likewise the ropes used as blindfold. The overall effect is stunning and highly erotic.

The films are worth seeing if you haven't sampled them. They do dwell on struggling bodies but there are some fine looking men and some highly erotic passages. Google 'Bondo Gods' or visit Bound Muscle

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 9

Today's pictures show an athlete tightly bound lying on a bed. Regulars will know I like to see a 'story' in pictures and this imagery immediately suggests an abduction has taken place. Perhaps a jogger on his regular morning run finally became irresistable to the voyeur.
This is a moderately muscled guy but the ropes still look good. I particularly like this set because of the tight immobilisation of the victim. The tape blindfold and gag add to the sense that he is utterly helpless. We can study him but he is unaware of us.
. The rope around his waist passes inside the jockstrap hoisting his tackle into a more prominent position - a clue to his captors intentions?

These pictures are from musclecore the url diverts to Muscle Bound Productions

Friday, 17 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 8

Today we pick up on the theme of muscular swimmers in bondage. This guy's muscle is less well defined than others we have looked at but he's a nice, big man. The brightly coloured skimpy trunks somehow make him a more interesting target, almost as though he has drawn attention to himself and this is the result. Having tied him up the captor frog-marches him towards the bedroom. The victim struggles with the chunky ball gag.
In the bedroom our captive looks doubtful at the prospect of his ball gag being replaced by cloth. Too bad! Nice pec shot.
These pictures are by bdmanbrazilThey have their own distinctive take on bondage photography which doesn't shy away from the kidnapping theme and makes good use of sexy clothing (not to the exclusion of nudity however)

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 7

This poolside scene is highly evocative, suggestive of a possible dangerous dunking. It's nice to see muscle bondage outside the usual dungeon. The captor looming over his immobilised victim makes a dramatic composition. The blindfold also contributes to the menacing atmosphere. Much as I like to see a muscular man in jocks it's a pity the guys aren't wearing swimming trunks in this situation.
Tying a mans ankles to the back of his thighs is a sexy way of restricting the legs while leaving access to everything between. The arms are similarly folded back. A nice tight bondage package.

These pictures are from Bound Gods but you can also see lots of pictures at Mr Kristofers blog (link in RH sidebar

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 6

A bound man should look as though he's tied up and the Japanese style bondage art makes this state very clear. Forcing the guy to kneel appeals to the desire for submission. In true bondage art the restrained position would be more severe than this, designed to cause pain in it's own right, not just a restraint.
Tony Buff
.And for me, seeing the moment of submission to bondage is in many ways even more erotic than the finished package. I like the way the arms are being pulled up in this example and it seems to be hurting too! The handsome man submitting to someone not so fortunate is a nice touch too.
. It doesn't matter a jot that both men in these pictures are wearing jeans, it's still sexy.

These pictures are from Tony Buff's website an interesting source of off-beat fetish images

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 5

Today's pics star Jamie 'The Bomb' from Dreamboybondage
I'm not a big fan of his 'Bomb' tattoo or his lip piercings
but he's a big lad who wears his clothes (and his ropes) extraordinarily well.

In this photoset he is tied up, dragged feet first to a hot tub and dunked in it - fully clothed.
The picture above shows the result. I find this little act of humiliation quite erotic and the wet Tee-shirt and jeans clinging to his body even more so.
. Naturally his clothes must come off and in the second picture his jock-strap vies with the artistic bondage for attention. The struggle is well conveyed in these pictures.

Monday, 13 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 4

A lot of bondage photography involves guys being tied to immoveable objects like beds or chairs. The disadvantage of this arrangement is the restriction of access to the whole body whether for viewing or something more.
In these pictures, the man in question - Jamal of Captured Guys - is simply tethered to a ring above his head and no such limitations apply. We can view his muscular shoulders and plumped cheeks..........

....and equally the well defined torso and tempting frontal bulge
without loosing the sense of restraint.

This is also a rather nice example of clothing adding to sex appeal. Notwithstanding the outstanding musculature, these pictures would look rather ordinary without those skanky looking briefs. mmmmmm!

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 3 Scott at Academy Men

An even bigger guy in todays exhibit. Stripped to his underwear and tied to a trolley, his captors wheel him around the warehouse like a piece of merchandise.

This guy is Scott from the Academy Men Video - "SWAT in Training".
He's perhaps a bit too big for some tastes but nice to look at in his helplessness.

His captors have thoughtfully cradled his packet for us.
In due course Scott is released from his gag, lantern jaw revealed.

The Academy site doesn't seem to be producing new films like this any more which is a shame but there are regular releases of bondage material at their site.

Saturday, 11 July 2009

Muscle and Rope No 2 - Mark Lamarr

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Friday, 10 July 2009

Muscle and Rope - 1

For me the sensuality of the bound male does not need to involve display of the crotch.
The sight of pecs bulging between tight ropes is erotic enough.

It's also nice to see a gag that seems to be doing a very good job
 of keeping the victim from crying out.
 I like the cup shape under the chin.

In these pictures from ,
Pete Bigg (!) shows that relative maturity does not mean an end to sex appeal.

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Mitchell's A to Z of Fetish Artists - The Letter 'H' - Conclusion

The letter 'H' provided a wide ranging selection of styles and subjects for my review - and some top quality artistry. To pick a favourite however is very easy for me. I nearly always favour artists whose images have a sensual quality which repays close study as well as a compelling fetish content. The Hun, Hammer and Harald score high on the latter criterion in their different ways. Hector and Heerdink certainly hit the button for sensuality.
But only one artist achieves both as far as I am concerned, the great Hasegawa. His beautiful boys bound and at the mercy of strange creatures do not mainline on porn content but, in their appeal to the imagination of the viewer, they rank amongst the best of erotic art.

Hasegawa joins my earlier selections - The Amir, Brick, Chris (Musclemaxx), Drubskin, Etienne, Fillion and Giquel.
For earlier articles in this series click on the A-Z label.

Monday, 6 July 2009

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Humbug

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Friday, 3 July 2009

Mitchell's A-Z of Fetish Artists - Heredia

Heredia produces pictures featuring mostly young men with a noticeable anal bias in the activities depicted. His explicit S&M torture scenes also feature young men, so young looking in some cases that I hesitated about including pictures. The air of innocence usually extends to the masters as well which doesn't really hit the button for me. The example shown here is a notable exception but it is otherwise very representative of his style.

His technique is based on simple outlines with single colour shading to delineate muscle shapes. His anatomy is realistic and tends towards slender physiques which is a refreshing change even if it reflects a preoccupation with youth. There's usually some nice detailing in clothes and restraint gear and I've included a detail of 'bad boy' which shows his skill rather well.

I don't have website for him but search the archives at GMBA (see links at right) and you will find plenty of his work.

For earlier articles in this series click on the A-Z label.