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Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Neighbourhood Cops 4 - No Hiding Place

"Please don't make me take off my underpants as well Sir!"

In the days that followed, many more men were apprehended.
They too found out the hard way that stripping for the '4S' procedure
 was mandatory and required every stitch of clothing to be removed.

Some were spooked and tried to escape, rather than shed that final garment.
They fled through the streets, seeking any refuge in any place they could find.

But the cops enthusiasm for the chase was rekindled by their new powers
which gave them the chance to humiliate some long standing villains and nuisances.

The pursuit of runaways often led to remote, secret refuges
which afforded a private place to begin re-educating their offender.

There was no hiding place

Go to Part 5

orig part 4 of Cops Companion 

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