To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Neighbourhood Cops 1 - Mitchville Cops start searching

The Mitchville cops have been told to get tough on crime.
The villains of the town are to be targetted in a ruthless sweep
The cops new strategy is codenamed '4S' which stands for
Stop, Search, Strip and Secure (not necessarily performed in that order!)

Them criminals had better look out!

It was Officer Rodham who made the first '4S' arrest.
Adam Beaubutt thought it was another routine 'stop on suspicion'.
The cops had his car registration number on their watch list
They pulled him over all the time hoping to find evidence of his drug dealing.


When Adam felt the cop's hand feeling between his legs,
he realised this wasn't just another routine search,
it was different this time and he didn't like it.
His protests were loud and vehement.
Which allowed the Officer to book him for causing an affray.

Go to Part 2

Leo Ford provides the butt, I haven't ID'd the film.

(This photo-story was originally published in 2009 as a photographic companion to Mitchell's 'Neighbourhood Police story at mitchmen yahoo! Group. Reworked as a photostory in 2018).
orig Part 1

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