After the rich choice of artists for the letter ‘F’ the only names I have found for the letter G are Garcia and Gicquel. There are some interesting artists working with computer generated images in the ‘G’s (Gorka, Gilgamesh, Greasetank) but sadly CGI doesn’t qualify under the criteria for this series.
Xavier Gicquel is a mainstream artist with a fascinating style. He uses strong lines to delineate the figures and their clothing and often uses a palette of rich bright colours. The backgrounds are equally strong and this, combined with the use of “naïve” perspective produces an ‘flat’ effect. The overall result is reminiscent of mediaeval stained glass windows and very attractive to view. The stylised trees in the example shown enhance this feeling even more.
Giquel - Forest Fun |
The naïve feel carries through into the depiction of the figures as well who are often slightly overweight with chubby, short legs and dressed in clumpy shoes or boots producing a bottom heavy effect. However the naivety stops at the waist, he does a nice line in hairy bodies and manly faces which always wins my approval.
His characters are usually sexually cavorting in a variety of gay themed locations including leather clubs. In most of these pictures the fetish allusions are incidental to the depiction of joyous gay sex (although you do get the sense that he knows of which he draws!) I might have passed over them were it not for the set of pictures he has produced for ‘Rubberzone’ which show rubber fetish scenes and create a distinctive, dark erotic atmosphere which his other pictures don‘t have. A very interesting artist.