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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

Mitchell's S+M Clinic - Delinquent Patient Carried Downstairs

Not much activity on the 'mitchmen' blog of late as I'm preoccupied with helping my partner run his business and posting daily episodes of the S+M Clinic series at the mitchmen Yahoo! Group (there's a link in heading above). I have been asked where's the S&M in the story as the episodes so far have been fairly innocuous undressing and humiliation with not a lot of more extreme stuff. Well it's coming! Things have started to hot up with the abduction of Steven who decided not to attend for his appointment. He's now discovered that Mitchell's Clinics don't take no for an answer! The sketch below didn't make it into the final set of pictures. It shows Steven being carried off - bound and gagged - by the DPU (Delinquent Patients Unit).
When I'm compiling a mitchmen story one of the problems I have is too many ideas. I produce lot of sketches and vast amounts of reference material but most of it doesn't get used. For S+M Clinic I have numbered the pictures in increments of 10 i.e. 010, 020, 030.... rather than 01,02,03,.... with the idea of going back at some future date and adding in extra drawings. The one above is quite likely to be the basis of one of them - more close up I think with lots of juicy detail.

Those of you following the story will probably realise by now that I can add extra 'departments' at will. We already have visited Department 'H' (Health Education) and Department 'S' (Sex Education). I have already pencilled in departments for virtually every letter of the alphabet so the Clinic is starting to look like a lifetimes project for me! So little time!

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