To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Saturday, 19 July 2008

Another slant on Clinics

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Wednesday, 16 July 2008

When did you last see...?

The S+M Clinic series has paused for breath at 'mitchmen' to allow Mitchell to clear his piled up in-tray! It will resume again very shortly.
Part 1 of the Clinic wound up with a little interrogation scene as the Clerk tries to discover where the 3rd member of the Chadwick family is. I often try to incorporate humour into my pictures and in this case I couldn't resist the temptation to sketch out a little pastiche of the famous picture of a roundhead soldier interrogating a royalist child perched on a foot stool and entitled 'When did you last see your father?' (below)
In my case the roles were reversed, the father is interrogated about his son and the footstool becomes a set of bathroom scales (below)

It's not one of my best pictures but was a nice bit of fun - for me at least!
This picture features a character wearing Y-front underpants - one of my many clothing fetishes. Look out for pictures of them on real men in a future installment of my ongoing series 'in praise of......'

Sunday, 13 July 2008

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

A Tight Fit at Mitchell's Clinic -Special Examination Shorts

This is a detail from Episode 7. 
The studs are tormented by being forced to don undersize shorts. 
Their struggle is all recorded by CCTV.

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

The S+M Clinic Families - Beach Bums

Today we met the Randall Brothers at the clinic apparently strongly deserving of treatment!
They join the Chadwick family as potential playthings of the Clinic.

The idea of 'buddies getting it together' is a favourite of mine and gets plenty of airing in the weeks to come at the Clinic.
Once again guys are being sucked into an impersonal machine intent on exploiting and enslaving their maleness for the pleasure of mitchmen.

Friday, 4 July 2008

Mitchell's S+M Clinic - Fit Blokes

The picture below is a clean version (i.e. with no annotations or pointers) of the picture used to illustrate the 'Fit Blokes Index' in the 3rd installment of Mitchell's S+M Clinic at mitchmen.

It's a bit more 'artsy' than my usual style. I thought he deserved to be seen unadorned!

Speculation is rife as to whether he gets drawn into the web of the Clinic

Join mitchmen to see the complete series.

Thursday, 3 July 2008

Mitchell's Story - S+M Clinic - Athlete Forced Into The Exam Room

The plot thickens in S+M Clinic - Mitchell's new picture story being published at mitchmen
The Clinic starts to reveal how they get sportsmen to co-operate with their health and fitness regime.

The story is published on an ongoing basis at the Yahoo Group
You can find the words that go with this picture there.
However, not every picture will be published in this blog - once they get steamy....!

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

S+M Clinic gets underway - Stripped for Examination

This is the first panel of my new story S+M Clinic - subtitled the Shipmen Project
A male patient anxiously sits awaiting his treatment - which will probably be unconventional
and possibly quite unpleasant!

Further episodes will be published each day at Mitchell's Yahoo! Group (link in sidebar)
Each picture is accompanied by a text which explains what is happening in the story
(on and off the picture)