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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Sunday, 8 October 2023

Vintage Bondage - Lionel Harper

Rarely was the tag of 'beautifully bound' more richly deserved.
The simple semi-suspension brings out the voluptuous line of the model's back.
Black and white photography sometimes struggles with dark skin, but not here. 
There's a sense of awkwardness and cumulative discomfort in the imposed position.

This model has more to admire than just a beautiful back 

The top puts him through a series of bondage variations that put the model's assets on display.
Playing him like a virtuoso instrument.

The leather belt the sub is wearing suggest he is a willing participant. 
But one can imagine other scenarios where it's something borrowed.
Like the bride's garter only blacker.

He seems amenable to being put on naked display. 
But this relaxed variation is just a passing phase.

More difficult passages require his concentration. 

No bondage concerto is complete without the classic hogtie.

The master even finds a variation in that.
Cleverly exploiting the belt motif.

The bare essentials provide a fitting, graceful lead in to the conclusion.

 The composition ends with just a hint of drama that leaves us hanging.


For more vintage bondage and beautifully bound men click on the labels below this post

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