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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Monday, 12 June 2023

Some Like Them Hot

 If you wanted to make big money in the Slavery game you needed to get hold of hot men.
Unfortunately Government auctions of condemned men were  mostly made up of 
minor criminals, debtors, drunks and the work-shy - they rarely featured handsome hunks.
When they did the competition to buy them was fierce, private buyers drove the prices sky-high.

It was cheaper and easier to trade in volunteer slaves. 
Men who'd had enough of normal life, needed quick cash or just wanted to disappear.
They could be bought privately or persuaded to sign fixed-term contracts. 
But it was still pot-luck what sort of material you got.

Some traders only wanted the cream of the crop, so they went out looking for them. 
When they found them, they did their research and learned how to reel them in.
Gyms were always good sources, but fit, healthy men with steady jobs and wives
were not easily tempted. You just had to take them. However you could.

When the scout spotted David and Clyde lifting weights together at a city gym, 
he knew immediately they were the ones for him.
Since training was their obsession he left a glossy leaflet lying around,
 It offered the chance to boot-camp with a well-known fitness star.
He knew their type, it was an irresistible lure

Their booking made, a discreet, covert, early morning pick-up was arranged.
He was pleased to see they had followed his instructions to the letter.
They'd even picked identical underpants to travel in, that was so cute!
No-one would know where they'd gone, not even themselves.

Despite Clyde's doubts, the 'private training camp' had everything they could have wanted.
They didn't need clothes, they just spent their days pumping their muscles, 
enjoying the food and lounging in the sauna and swimming pool together.
And yes, their fitness hero did turn up, he gave them training tips (and more).
A photographer came and took pictures of them together,
An exciting future beckoned, promising fame. Of sorts.

But all the time, while the boys were enjoying themselves and improving their physiques,
a hundred plus buyers were on line, watching them and calculating what they could afford.
The trader had provided a comprehensive dossier on them, with tantalising details,
but you never really knew what you'd actually get at the auction. Not usually.
But the prospective buyers were virtually living with these guys, seeing everything.
They even saw them getting fucked together. That was so cute.
The excited buzz in the chat room sent pre-sale estimates soaring.

On their last night, the two boys slept contentedly, after a mildly sedated supper.
Meanwhile, on-line, a hotly contested auction of them was taking place.
They awoke to find themselves shackled and chained, with guards in attendance.
They were allowed a last, (spoon-fed), luxury breakfast - because a long journey lay ahead.
Outside a limo with darkened windows waited to take them to a quiet, private airstrip. 

As they waited to board the aircraft, their prized, matching underpants were taken from them. 
Such was the boys' popularity on-line, their underpants had been sold as a separate lot. 
The grateful trader had generously allowed them to keep them on until the last minute.
That gesture, or maybe it was their sudden nudity, made the boys quite tearful. 
They were so cute.

The, exclusive, private flight provided them with a last few hours of luxury, 
spoilt only by their naked bottoms sweating and sticking to the leather seats.
Their anxiety about what lay ahead didn't help of course.
In a faraway country, their new owner, eagerly awaited them. 

At least they hadn't been parted from each other, buddies to the end.
So cute.


For other tales of enslavement, click on the label below


Max Gregory said...

I’m new to your site but a longtime fan of your work. I’m an artist working on a graphic novel with similar themes. It started as a purely leisure activity but, 21 chapters on, has take a life of its own. Perhaps you’d be interested in taking a look? I’d certainly be interested in your (and others’ in the community) feedback.

Max Gregory said...

I’m a longtime fan and fellow artist in the genre. I’ve been creating a graphic novel that you might be interested in peeking at. I’d love to hear feedback; it’s hard to share this kind of work with everyday people and sometimes I feel a bit creatively isolated.

Mitchell said...

Thanks for the contribution Max. Your sample chapter is very tantalising. It reads well, a nice easy style and the images are equally economical, ideal for the format of a quick read. Very promising.