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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Monday, 17 April 2023

Classic Homoerotic Images 7

Few mothers could have imagined that this wholesome breakfast dish with it's equally wholesome image of outdoor, athletic endeavour and strength on the packaging would be responsible for alerting generation after generation of innocent offspring to the allure of the male body which lay latent within them.

It's easy to blame the skirt - sorry, kilt, but no, that's a different category of interest altogether. Those muscular shoulders and the tight-fitting, pec-enhancing vest were something I was attracted to even before I had any inkling of why, let alone how lifelong that attraction would become.

That Scotsman was temptation incarnate.

In the 1950's the muscles were crudely censored, little realising that the jolly fisherman 
out looking for a catch in his rolled-down waders was equally corrupting! 
The pair of them together made a fine imaginary coupling

And so say all of us!

More about Scotts Porridge Oats

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet a lot of gay men wanted to sow their wild oats up that dudes hot, kilt cover bum!