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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Saturday, 8 April 2023

Art by Iskan156

naked man carrying crucifixion cross on shoulder on a chain lead
Iskan156 - The Way-1

Two men are winding their way through the sand dunes.
One, whip in hand, is leading the other by a chain attached to a steel collar
The captive also has metal cuffs on his wrists and ankles
The soft sand drags at his feet as he trudges through it carrying a wooden cross.

Notice that his captive's crotch is shaved clean.

Naked man ordered to erect crucifixion cross collared + chained
Iskan156 - Installation 02

They arrive at a place where the cross is to be erected.
There is a metal stake there to which the slave's chain is tethered.
At the master's direction, he gets to work, setting up the cross
It's heavy work under the glaring sun, just after the wearying trek.

Naked man collared and chained kneels before cross
Iskan156 - Before 03

When he finally completes this task, 
the master generously allows him a few minutes to rest 
taking the opportunity to relax himself and smoke a cigar 

The adjustable 'sedile' on the post has a wickedly serrated, top edge.

Naked man being crucified on sea shore
Iskan156 - Suspension 2

It's time to proceed. The captive climbs onto the lower arm of the cross
He balances there, facing forwards with one foot either side of the centre post
He can only stop himself toppling off by holding on to the upright behind him.
His master begins to attach the wristlet on his free arm to the upper cross piece.

Iskan 156 - Suspension 3

The captive clings on and looks on with surprising, but creditable stoicism.

A nice rear view of the master here (my neck fetish again).

Iskan156 - Totally Ready 03

The captive's other wrist is also secured - to the opposite end of the Tee.
Only then can he be released from his collar chain, it drops down onto the sand.
The master's final adjustment, is to raise the sliding, sawtooth sedile to crotch level. 
It provokes a horrified response but he stops with it just grazing the captive's balls.

Iskan156 - Totally Ready 01

The positioning of the sedile falls just short of a being a riding wedge (see label at foot of post)
Instead it forces the captive to tense his arm and leg muscles to avoid sagging down onto it .
That stressful position is about to get much more difficult to hold.

(If you thought he is being prepared to face the incoming tide, think again.
Although that would be an interesting alternative scenario.)

Iskan156 - Whip

With his captive secure and stretched out tight in an X-spread, 
the master stands back and begins to address him with the whip. 
He has plenty of room to swing it here and the deserted dunes provide privacy,
so there's no need to gag the unfortunate creature during this torment.

Iskan 156 - Whip 02

The whip licks repeatedly across the trapped man's torso,
scoring lines with it's caress.
No one hears his cries.

Iskan 156 - Whip 03

The whip's kisses are not nasty enough to cancel out his excitement.
He retains his control and manliness under this duress.

"If you can keep a stiffie,
while all around are losing theirs, 
then  you will be a man my friend".
(taken verbatim from the original rough draft)


This series is disarmingly entitled 'A Way To The Pleasure' which I suspect has suffered a little in translation. Someone else called it 'A Journey' but the trouble is that every experience in life is called 'A Journey' these days (except when it's being called a 'Roller-Coaster Ride', that is).

Iskan has been producing images like this for some years. His style is a little basic, the characters not overly expressive but there's a genuine undercurrent of anticipation in the carefully constructed  build-up and truly dramatic imagery at the climax of the punishment. Personally, I'm not crazy about shaved heads or identification numbers (especially disfiguring ones), preferring men in predicaments like this to be allowed to keep some dignity. 
(It's also a practice too similar to historical events that shouldn't be trivialised).

Lots more at Iskan156 @DeviantArt including a final scene for this story which I have omitted.

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