To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Tuesday, 15 September 2015


You next!

Zac discovered that the slurping of the milking machines 
had a strange effect on the new farmhand

Yes Sir! I will try harder!
 The other traders had warned Rory that the new boss was always on their backs,
urging them to earn more money for the bank.
It was a painful lesson, but he didn't want to lose out on his his bonus.

 Clean it up, boy!

 Joey realised Mr Harding must have overheard his joke about how smelly some of the coaches were.

No don't touch my hair!
Jimmy was already regretting calling Mr Barraclough a hairy monster.

I don't usually, but........mmmmm

The Ski Instructor realised his indiscretion with Mr Flanagan's daughter was going to cost him some of his masculine pride if he was to smooth it over. Thank goodness the family was only at the resort for another week. 

All of these images reposted from the collection by Beltspanker at Flickr with thanks

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Suitably Dressed

Corey was a serial trouble-maker at the Cadet Academy.
In the end the despairing Instructor told him to report to the gym,
suitably dressed for punishment, which usually meant PT Kit.

However, when Corey dropped his tracksuit bottoms to reveal a scanty thong,
the Instructor changed his mind about making him do 100 press-ups.
Instead he took Corey to his private quarters and punished him there.

Now Corey doesn't have to be a bad boy any more to get the attention he wants.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Vintage Bondage - Leroy Nelson

 Three images of Leroy Nelson restrained with chains. The waist attachment reflects normal US custody procedure but is not commonly seen in fetish bondage, although it's not lacking in erotic power as you can see. The disarrayed underwear affords a tantalising glimpse of Leroy's tackle and suggests he isn't coming quietly.

Leroy's dishevelled hair gives him an unruly, slightly dangerous air, but this rear view as he is dragged to the cells brings out the captive's tidy, lean physique. He continues to try and escape his chains, spurred on by the ominous removal of his clothing.

I'm ready for my close-ups Mr De Mille!

Those slender, shapely legs, entwined around the frame of the chair have always seemed most erotic to me. You have to imagine the restraint, but it's not very hard. If this model had been in the hands of Mike Arlen the discreetly shadowed sexual organs would be gleaming lustfully through the gloom.

Mitchell - The Director's Chair (1)
Leroy's visit to the director's chair inspired me (many years ago) to draw this image where the captive's bondage is made explicit and his sexuality emphasised rather than disguised. It as though a young tough has been pulled in off the street and forced to take part in a seedy video. Unlike Leroy, his body has been shaved as well as oiled in preparation for his debut and this may account for his arousal which is slightly at odds with his look of despair. Perhaps it's the thought of compulsory intimacy that scares him, or perhaps it's the unexpected size and sex of his partner-to-be, who has just arrived to introduce himself and now looms above intimidatingly.

There's another version of this image featuring a more youthful looking captive
 at my free-to-join Yahoo! group (link in sidebar) .
  for other gay art by Mitchell at mitchmen click on the 'mitchpix' label below