To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Tuesday, 9 January 2024

Etienne's 'Sailor Beware' and Royale Studio

Etienne's Sailor Beware - 1 (colourised)

Etienne's 'Sailor Beware', a story of innocent, USN sailors being abducted and  enslaved, was presented and discussed at length here in 2020. There are two reasons to revisit that memorable story now. It has proved to be connected to a little known, Royale Studio storyette, called 'Shanghai'd Sailor' which I am about to start posting at the Royale Studio Blog. In addition, while researching the origins of this link, I unearthed an interesting, early version of Etienne's story (published under his Stephen brand name) and that forms the main subject of this post.

Etienne - Sailor Beware (original) 1 & 2

This montage from Mars 17 in 1966 shows the first two scenes of the story overlapping. The first picture, at the top, is pretty much the same as the later, more refined art published in 1986 and used as the basis for the coloured image above. The same applies to the lower half of the picture except that the later version has chunkier ropes and a clearer view of what's going on inside the hog-tied sailor's partly undone pants (and it doesn't look like he's shrinking from the threat facing him!)

Etienne - Sailor Beware (original) 3

In picture 3 some differences are revealed. The original version just above shows the two sailors to be clad in 1966 style, designer underpants with an overlapping side seam slightly reminiscent of the traditional slave's loin cloth. Stephen has none of that in the later version, the sailors there don't seem to have been wearing any underwear at all, we can only see their shredded uniforms lying on the floor and the bartender is still in the process of ripping off the blonde sailor's pants rather than reaching out to grope him in his sexy underwear, as he is doing here. 

It's a matter of taste whether you prefer the modest original to the remarkable displays of manhood in the later version but that explicitness does dissipate the sense of helpless uncertainty and fear that exists in the original above, of 'innocence threatened'. It's particularly noticeable in the demeanour of the sailor on the right. In the later version the sailors just seem surprised and shocked at their own responses.

Etienne - Sailor Beware (original) 6

There's an even more significant shift here. In the original above, set at the auction, the leering bartender has ripped away one of the captives' modesty pouches to show off his assets to the bidders. The captive's obvious embarrassment and dismay is commendably consistent with his characterisation in the earlier scene. His comrade has retained his modesty (so far!).

In the later version the captives are already naked, the auction being conducted in the cellar where they have just been tortured. There's no sign of any discarded pouch material. The modest one there is trying in vain to  hide a sizeable erection and keep it away from the outstretched hand of the bartender. He in his turn looks a lot more joyful, presumably at the prospect of a sizeable sum of money from a set of buyers who seem a lot more enthusiastic second time around (this area of the picture has been extensively redrawn in the later version, spot the differences!).  

As with picture 3, there's also a subtle change in the demeanour of the prisoners. They seem embarrassed, distressed and uncomfortable (understandably) in the picture above, still trying to escape even, but the later image shows more of a sense of anticipation and horror at the fate they are witnessing unfolding before them. 


The next four pictures are thumbnails taken from the Kris Art 3 catalogue, where it was offered as an 8 picture storylet** (shades of Royale Studio again?). The images are too small and indistinct to show much detail but the subject matter is interesting.

Etienne - Sailor Beware (original) 7

The most significant change here is that in the original drawing (above) the two unfortunate sailors are taken from the city after the sale at night-time. Presumably this indicates that even in this part of the world random enslavement of foreigners is frowned upon. In the later version they are marched away in broad daylight, which implies that intervention by the local authorities is unlikely. The sun is glaring down on the naked sailors, the hot sand burning their feet too presumably, all adding to their misery. 

It looks as if the blond sailor may be naked in the one above but it's probably creative pouch shaping. In the later version you'll probably have noticed that his cock is not only visible but fully inflated and tethered to the pommel of the slaver's saddle.

Etienne - Sailor Beware (original) 7a

This picture and the next one do not have an equivalent in the later version of the story so I have given them arbitrary numbers**. It now seems to be daytime with it's attendant heat discomforts for the prisoners. The barman has relinquished his horse (sparing it from the heat of the sun?) Or perhaps they have been passed to a different escort provided by their new owner. 

The sailors have been switched into a yoke-like device (which has authentic origins in the African slave trade) and their hands are now tied behind their backs. This arrangement prevents them running off now that they are no longer anchored to the horse. Unable to drag them along, the escort has to put more effort into making them walk. The 'cry-baby' brunette bears the brunt of his whip.

Etienne - Sailor Beware (original) 7b

At the end of their painful journey, the two buddies are hung out to dry in X-frames where they can see each other and discuss their plight, which seems to have landed them in the grounds of a grand palace. It seems like something may be going on behind the blond, possibly an animal, a monkey, but I can't make out the detail (any offers?). They are both clearly wearing pouches here. I like the 'feet tied together' bondage variation used on the brunette.

Etienne - Sailor Beware (original) 9?

Arguably there is an equivalent to this scene in the later series but it's not the same picture. The original shows the new slaves in ball and chains, cringing respectfully before their new master, who radiates an detached air of stern authority.  In the later version, however, he displays nothing but lust towards his new acquisitions, sitting naked and erect, he openly pays respect to their manly characteristics which have suddenly become a lot more apparent. 

The altered viewpoint in the newer picture places him between the two slaves, which suggests he's making a choice between them. In the end, he doesn't, they go on to serve him together, but you fleetingly sense the ultimate separateness of the two sailors, the possibility of separation from their buddy, followed by a lonely life of hard work and regular punishment. 

Etienne/Stephen's original vision for this piece was tied in to the restrictions of his day regarding male nudity and portrayals of homosexuality. In fact, apart from the skimpy clothing, any sense of a sexual context has to be supplied by the reader. The story was also conceived in an era when prevailing western notions saw some foreign lands as very strange and different places, where the locals were xenophobic and often lawless and cruel. This needed very little amplification for Stephen's readers who saw it enacted that way in the movies. By the 1980's, however, there was a wider sense of globally shared gayness and the opportunities it created for unbridled sexuality seemed a much more interesting ingredient for Stephen. Being enslaved might be inconvenient but it had it's compensations under the right man. 

Etienne's technique, drawing as Stephen, had improved immeasurably by the 80's and you might attribute that to the sexual and publishing freedom too. He retained the Arabian Nights setting second time round but it becomes more fanciful and that fitted the era too. You probably needed to have been around in the 60's to understand the undercurrent of dread and fear that he has successfully captured in the original version, notably the last picture. You can't tell if these Sailor buddies are anything but straight but picture 9 can be cross-read as two gay men, caught, restrained and exposed and now facing the judgement of a powerful official, who is a completely unknown quantity, but probably unpleasant. That was a reality for many gay men in the 60's 

**Regarding the size of the set: Mars 17 stated that there were over 20 pictures altogether. The later version only has 13 of them and the Kris Art 3 catalogue supplies 2 or 3 more but we can only conjecture what else has been left out. My numberings here are based on the 1986 version.
Images from Mars Magazine No 17 courtesy of Tim in Vermont 

Saturday, 6 January 2024

Most Popular New Post of 2023 (MPP1)

Jordan James & Harvey Bridgestone

My annual custom of evaluating the most visited new posts of the year has given me more food for thought than usual this year after a dramatic fall in the number of recorded visits. The stats tell me that visitors are down by 25% for the blog overall but most of the entries in the table below show hit totals and a cut-off score which are just below half of the same position last year. This seems to be a continuation of a trend which I noted last year where views of new posts fell but visits overall were stable. There's an obvious message for me here about recent posts! There have been no new major reviews this year to set alongside past 'block busters' like Amalaric, the Milking Factory series and the IFNB phenomenon. I will be hoping to regain lost viewers in the New Year. 

Meanwhile I must thank all the readers who continue to show their interest in mitchmen blog!


The table below lists the most popular of the new mitchmen posts during 2023. I'm sticking with last years method of simply counting hits with a mention of other factors in the notes.

(Titles have links to the original posts, column 4 shows annualised hit rate ranking).

On mobiles the table is best viewed by turning your phone sideways

TABLE 1 - Top 20 New Posts of 2022 at mitchmen
Title (+link)
Total Hits
Hit Rate Ranking
Pub Month
Slave Training 11 - Cockaphobia (GIF)
Platoon69 by Jero
2July2, 5 
Abduction Art by ApostlXXX
Art by Shenguanlin
Most viewed post of all time (to 2022)
Kidnapped (Art by Mitchell)
16Mar 3
17Mar 2
(Stats collected on 1st January 2024) 

Top spot this year was claimed by the sexy GIF of Jordan James being handcuffed and ring-gagged by his partner. This clip was borrowed from MuscleDestroyer at Deviant Art and he also contributed No 6 in the table showing a bound muscle hunk being doused with water. This pair ranked 1 and 3 in the ranking based on hit rate (column 4). Despite this I have no plans to switch the focus of the blog away from gay fetish art, which made up the rest of the table as usual. It's only the second time a photographic entry has taken top spot in this table joining the Royale Studio 'Come and Get It!' announcement from 2021. Posts about Royale Studio have now moved to the new Royale and Hussar blog.

The winning total of 927 is the lowest since 2013 when the 'Art of Swarbrick' scored 774. 
See also 'Honourable Mentions 2' at the foot of this post for another contender for the top spot.

Jero's sexy and sensual renders took the runners up spot and also claimed 20th position. He produces great art which redefines the imagery of old and gives it new life. There were many representatives of those older, established artists in last year's chart - Brick, Kalabro, Oztangles and Gilgamesh but it was cartoonist Rob Clarke who carried that banner this year, returning in a new, ball-bustin' guise as Whiteworm. 

I suppose AnimasAnimus at 19 might also be included in this veterans group by virtue of his longevity, but his cartoons are more representative of my interest in the power and eroticism of over-developed muscle and it's containment by clothing and by fellow muscle 'beasts'. That niche was also represented this year by Paragon Illusions (see note 5 below). 

At No 3 and No 16 were two of last years 'Most Popular Posts' reports, a slightly puzzling phenomenon that I have remarked on before. They do, of course showcase the outstanding images of the year (by Brick in 2023 and IFNB in 2022) and also point casual readers to highly-rated posts they have missed. 

I appreciate visitors' interest in my analyses, but the appearance of my own drawing 'Kidnapped' at No 18 was more pleasing. It depicts my answer to the fiendish dwarves of Black Prof! I started to give more attention to my own work last year with the 'Cowboy Folio' project and experimentations with AI.


ApostleXXX also uses a traditional drawing style and his skilful, economical depictions of men are sexy indeed, but it was also his story-telling that was rightly rewarded with 10th place. I don't often post about devilry but it has proved popular in the past with the great Sean Platter

The art of Drtkk (formerly known here as Milkcow) is highly stylised by comparison but he can make a claim to be the artist of the year with three entries in the table at No 11, 13 and 17. He fares even better on hit rate at 6,7 and 8. This was despite his best images having already been presented in here in 2017 - in the first part of the series

One of Drtkk's articles was a contribution to the ever-popular 'Milking Factory' series which grabbed two places (at 7 & 17). The other was supplied by Shenguanlin who is also represented in the table with a full review of his work (at 14). I wasn't really able to give full credit to his rather extreme visions of hunk abduction and toilet service but I hope readers followed the links to bathe in the full glory of his earthy deviousness!
Artists using the latest render art and AI have a significant presence this year, headed up by Appas at No 4 with his 'bondage on a bus', a success that surprised me somewhat. Paragon Illusions was not far behind at 8, I very much like his images of mature men establishing physical control over their peers.

Waxx3D at No 9 showed that these new techniques have not extinguished interest in good, old-fashioned rendering! Also in this category is Iskan156 whose use of crucifixion imagery strikes a familiar chord at this blog (see labels below). These two revivals emulated the success of Ridley last year. 


Photo-manipulations have always been amongst the most popular posts at this blog in the past - notably Priapus of Milet and Amalaric. That torch this year was carried by two less well known artists, Beverley and Teracles (from the late, lamented Chained Muscle site). Their dramas of capture in the jungle made 15th position, a testament to the inherent appeal of putting scantily clad images of real men into unusual scenarios of danger. It's a technique that neither rendering nor AI can emulate - not yet anyway! 

Honourable Mentions 1

Chenz - Police Experimented 

There were 3 other contenders from late 2023 which did not make the cut in time, but scored impressive hit rates which and would probably have gained leading positions given more time.

Chenz-X-Chen's vivid, AI scenes of muscled captivity (Oct 23) would have taken 2nd position based on hit rate alone. DragonTattoo (also from Oct) whose built-in comforts for Astronauts are not only highly original but sexy on more than one level would have been 3rd. DGG's more conventional renders, somewhat in the style of Oztangles, (posted in Sept) would have been 4th. 

Of course these rates will not be sustained over a full year but all three were within 30 hits of making the table in their own right. It remains to be seen whether these impressive performances will continue.

Honourable Mentions 2

Black Prof - Cheated of Victory?

There were also a number of articles from the previous year, 2022, which were too late to make the cut in their own year of publication but would have scored highly in this years chart. 

Thus 'Tarzan Captured' by Black Prof (Aug 2022) has scored 1854 hits in the 15 months since publication and 1060 in 2023 alone, enough to take top spot.

Abduction Art by Jero (Nov 2022) has scored 1078 to date, 626 in 2023, worthy of 4th position at least. 

I have admitted examples like this to the table in previous years but there seems to have been a sea change in visitor patterns this year that makes it a case of comparing apples with pears and so I have decided to limit their ranking to 'might have beens'. The 'all-comers' list for 2023 will put their performances in a wider context. 


This year's table features articles based on photographs, comics, cartoons, renders, traditional art and AI. The wealth of gay, artistic talent enhances all of our lives in difficult times. Long may it continue!


Next time - The most viewed post in the entire mitchmen blog during 2022.
A big, big Thank You! 
to all my readers for your interest in my blog, 
I hope mitchmen has managed to divert you from the tribulations of the world in 2023
This png image - Fireworks Transparent Clip Art, is available for free download


from mitchmen blog


Thursday, 4 January 2024

Classic Homoerotic Images 10 - Charles Atlas

Charles Atlas - Muscles Made Easy

 It might seem to surprising to label this smiling, slightly pudgy, middle-aged man as an erotic icon, but for many years semi-clad images of him featured prominently and regularly in most boy's lives. This was a time when naked male torsos were a rare sight, other than on beaches and swimming pools but he popped up like this almost everywhere - in newspapers, magazines and even comics specifically aimed at teenagers. Even if you didn't fancy him, his continued presence was a heart-warming affirmation that men's muscles and bare skin were OK and desirable.

Charles Atlas - Sand in the Face ad

Atlas famously conjured the spectre of the beach bully who kicked sand in the faces of ordinary guys just for the fun of it and even if the context was always heterosexual, the message about being gratuitously bullied must have struck a chord with every young, gay man who saw the ad. The claim that you could do something about it and change your life for the better by developing your physique might have promised more than it could really deliver to this particular group. Nevertheless it must planted seeds of self respect and created an awareness of new pathways for isolated, non-sporting, young gays.

Charles Atlas testimonials - Health and Strength Dec 1949

I'm not sure that 'Dynamic Tension' really worked but it must have introduced many young men to ways that they could make themselves more attractive, so there's probably more than a grain of truth in these testimonials.

"The Slave" - Charles Atlas leading Tony Sansone

If the gays amongst them had ever seen this image of Charles Atlas 
they might have become even more inspired and excited!

Here, his more youthful self leads the legendary Tony Sansone along, supposedly as his submissive slave. Given Sansone's mega reputation as a muscle man it's an astonishing scenario, on a par with the recent sensationalism of life-long tops being persuaded to bottom for the first time on film. The homoerotic undertones are glaringly obvious*.

Atlas wasn't the prettiest of men by modern criteria but this 'before he was famous' photo suggests that modern styles might have crafted a more than acceptable image for him.


* Tony Sansone is an interesting figure, noted for his lithe definition rather than the muscle bulk that Atlas and others cultivated. He wasn't a competitive body builder but earned money by nude modelling. There's another teasing image of him posed as a captive in chains (below).


Click on the label below for more Classic Homoerotic Images

Monday, 1 January 2024

Tentacle Art by Ruslan

 The early tentacle render portrays a much more dramatic pose pose than most in this genre.

The unfortunate victim is being assailed from above and below by tentacles which have a technological origin, not a biological one. His arms are pinned back by the assailants and one is wrapped round his neck, like a noose, pulling him upwards. Others, emerging from what looks curiously like the innards of a piano, are entwined round his legs and levering them open, leaving the way clear for penetration and milk extraction.

I don't have a site link for Ruslan 

click on the labels below for related posts

Saturday, 30 December 2023

Bareass Blog No 75

Bareass Bahnhof

At this time of year, gays, like other boys, dream of fantastic presents. 
Only to be let down by Daddy Santa with cheap aftershave and socks. 
Christmas Eve pick-ups flee home for Mother's festive food.  

However, if they have been very good that year (by gay standards)
A different Daddy will deliver an extra, special present to them:
A trip on his train to the land where the men of dreams roam.

Unlike some other festive trains, the secret express for gays 
does not stop in the street directly outside their home.
It's a daft place for a train to stop anyway and far too public.

The last thing anybody wants is for gangs of kids (even incipient gay ones)
to rush out and clamber on board for a second bite at Santa's cherry.
Our lucky Gay boys have riper cherries on their mind on this special night.

The entrance to a secret underground station simply appears to them,
but only on this night and only to those who have been favoured.
Being underground, there's no snow of course, in fact it's quite hot.

It's not unknown for men who didn't even know they were gay 
to stumble unwittingly onto the platform, a very special gift for them
They will find plenty of boys down willy-ing to show them their ropes 

And so, come midnight, it's dig into your trousers/jeans/pants
and get out your tickets for inspection by the conductor.
Then it's All Aboard the "Boner Express"!

(with apologies to Tom Hanks)


For other Bareass boys click on the label below 
or start reading at Bareass No 1 and follow the links

Friday, 29 December 2023

Bareass Blog no 74

 Bareass Boardroom Presentation

He'll do anything to get that contract!
Willing to pull out all the stops.

For other Bareass boys click on the label below 
or start reading at Bareass No 1 and follow the links

Thursday, 28 December 2023

Bareass Blogs No 73

 Bareass Barn Buggery

Go to Bareass No74 

I've also added a new caption to Bareass No 62, take a look!

For other Bareass boys click on the label below 
or start reading at Bareass No 1 and follow the links