Gay bdsm art by 'mitchmen' Mitchell and other artists featuring male erotic sexy fetish, S&M, men tied up, male bondage, domination, humiliation and spanking. Vintage photographs of men in uniform, Royale & Hussar Studios, humourous captions, gay pride articles
To my readers......
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)
Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar
Tuesday, 31 December 2024
Targeted - Collar and Tie
Sunday, 22 December 2024
The Art of Gilgamesh 4 - Zahir Captured 1
click on pictures to enlarge
Under cover of darkness he enters the place to investigate Jeff's whereabouts.
42 |
Suddenly he hears footsteps in the distance. He decides to stop and stealthily observe.
He doesn't realise he has been seen and is being stalked himself as he wanders the vault.
One captor scratches his head wondering why any man would be so foolish as to enter the vault.
99 |
Has Zahir's rescue attempt ended in ignominious failure?
More of Zahir next time, read the full story of Zahir, (all 99 images) at pixiv
Gilgamesh Gallery Links (updated Jul 2024)
Pixiv has a comprehensive and well organised collection of his work with helpful narratives that add colour and background to the stories he tells. It's the most accessible gallery but recent releases (2024) have censored cocks, the explicit versions are posted on 'X' aka Twitter
There's a limited selection on DeviantArt including some older images which are not in the pixiv collection. They have escaped being censored somehow but tend to lack explanatory titles or narrative information, however, this site does provide an easily scannable overview of it's contents.
The X, ex-Twitter gallery appears to mirror the pixiv one but has explicit versions of recent images which are censored on pixiv. There's no overview, just sequential postings with the stories spread across them, broken up into four images per post. Gilgamesh has gone to the trouble of making sure they come out in the right order. There are slightly different comments, I haven't explored the site in great depth so it's possible there are works there that don't appear anywhere else.
Wednesday, 4 December 2024
Friday, 27 October 2023
Camp Cruising with AdonisIO
Friday, 27 January 2023
Mitchell - Army Buddies In Tentacle Trap
Mitchell - Tentacle Trap (after Kurosilver*) |
Thursday, 12 January 2023
Platoon 69 by Jero
Jero - Interrogation |
Jero - Soldier's Difficulty |
Jero - Strung Up |
Jero - Mind Melting |
Jero - Military Captive |
Jero - Mercenary Soldier Captured |
Sunday, 1 January 2023
Start as you mean to go on
Planet Gay - The Slave Is Washed |
Saturday, 3 December 2022
Tied and Groped
An extract from the latest chapter of Mitchell's 'Flat Cap Gang' at mitchmen Google Group
Mitchell - Pawed and Groped |
Detective Constable Ferret (right) has been abducted by the Flat Cap Gang and trained to fight and provide other services for the amusement of punters in the 'Butt Bar'. Facing a grudge fight against the Chief Guard, he is tethered to a display post by his collar which incorporates electronic punishment routines to keep the captives under control. He is unexpectedly joined at the post by the notorious 'Black Trainer' (so called because he usually dresses in black). He has been condemned to a punishment fight by his superior in the gang because of his ill-treatment of the prisoners. He has never had to wear a control collar before.
"In the Butt Bar, Ferret was eyeing the Black Trainer, wondering how his old foe had fallen from grace and ended up tethered to the same post as him. He was tempted to gloat, but to his surprise the Black Trainer turned to him and cool as a cucumber, said in the chummy East End fashion, “Alright mate?” as though there were nothing odd about the situation and had never been any animosity or friction between them. Despite this facade however he could see The Black Trainer was unhappy. He kept twisting his neck trying to make the collar more comfortable, but it wasn't designed to be comfortable. Finally in frustration he shook his head vigorously, Ferret tried to warn him, but the collar controller reacted quicker. It automatically administered a brief shock to both of them and rapidly wound in their leads. They were drawn up together on tip toes, their bare bodies touching. The Black Trainer grunted angrily but Ferret could feel him trembling. A group of customers who had seen what had happened gathered round them, pawing them and groping them with clumsy, clammy hands."
The Flat Cap Gang continues in weekly instalments at the mitchmen Google Group.
Friday, 4 November 2022
The Flat Cap Gang
Mitchell - Medical Interest |
Thursday, 9 June 2022
Art Inspired by 'Fallout 4' - 2 Punishment of a Paladin
Discipline is very strict amongst the Paladins who make up the Brotherhood of Steel,
This man, Paladin Danse, confessed to intimacy with a mutant, which is forbidden.
He's forced to don a punishment suit.
A spiked collar proclaims his new status - rejected, untouchable.
His empty armour suit symbolises what he has lost.
Even his friends don't recognise Danse now.
As his hunky colleague puts him in restraint, his hands brush Danse's backside
and the Punishment suit accentuates every touch.
Danse is led away feeling more naked than naked
He's taken before the Leader to formally learn his fate.
Forced to grovel before him.
The Leader is regretful. Danse is - was - one of his best Paladins.
How could it have come to this?
Danse cannot explain now, his mouth is full of rubber.
His cock does the talking for him.
Out of respect for Danse's past service, The Leader drops down to his level,
Danse cannot see him, but senses he is there and looks up.
"You know what I must do", The Leader says and Danse nods, understanding.
The Leader bends him over and Danse shudders, for the touch is electrifying.
Without removing his mittens, The Leader begins to slap his bottom.
Slowly, but very firmly.
The pain is terrible it's but not as bad as the humiliation of being treated like a child
and the jeers and cheers of his colleagues, who don't remember he was their friend.
The final act of rejection comes when the leader strips off his uniform
and acting as a man not a soldier, he opens the Punishment Suit and uses him sexually.
Something that would never happen between the soldiers of The Brotherhood
The Brotherhood's punishment code dictates that Danse must now accept his demotion.
in the honourable way by gratifying The Leader voluntarily in front of the others.
Monday, 7 February 2022
Kalabro Slave Gang
Kalabro - Slave Gang |
Dirk still could not quite believe what was happening to him and his team mates. Yesterday they had been celebrating winning the Football Championship in front of their adoring fans. He could remember how their excitement had continued in the dressing room afterwards, as they stripped for the showers. Unusually, the steam had filled the whole room and then Joel, the striker, had suddenly collapsed. As they went to help him someone shouted that the door had been locked. He remembered feeling drowsy himself and that was it.
When he awoke he found the entire team was locked in a dungeon-like cell with bare stone walls. They were all stark naked (even those who had fallen wearing their jockstraps and kit). They had been deposited here and a thin layer of scratchy straw was all that separated their bodies from the cold, hard floor. They soon realised that while they had been unconscious, they had all been fitted with tight metal rings around their cocks and all the rings were linked together by a heavy chain. As they all gradually cleared their heads there was plenty of discussion, speculation and confused anger but no-one could remember much of what had happened, let alone knowing why. Time passed and in the humid confines of the cell, the millionaire superstars were soon reduced to the sweaty men they really were.
Eventually someone came for them. They were led out, walking sullenly in file, one behind the other with the chains that joined them looping between their legs. They were taken down a long tunnel, led by their captain who had been assigned the first ring. The chains swung from side to side as they walked, brushing their muscular thighs as they negotiated corners and tightening up between their ass cheeks as they negotiated steps or when the man behind failed to keep up.
When they emerged from the tunnel, they somehow hoped it would be into the stadium they were so familar with, but it was a vast arena, as bare as their cells, surrounded not by raked stands full of cheering fans, but a tall wall, and beyond that, bleak, snow-capped mountains. It was not cold, there was a watery sun, but many of them shivered, realising that there was no-one here to help them and escape would be a formidable challenge. There they were arranged in a line in military fashion and waited, gleaming with perspiration and watched from a respectful distance by the guards.
It was Jimmy who saw him coming for them. A big man, bare chested, hairy and muscular - and he was flourishing a whip. Jimmy felt fear spreading through his loins. One of the guards noticed. "Don't worry" he called out, "his whip is worse than his bark, but he'll soon lick you cover boys into shape".
story text by Mitchell for mitchmen
mitchmen has always been a great fan of Kalabro's work but it's usually the drama of struggle and mortal danger that provides the kick in his images. This is very different, a study of bewilderment and impending menace. These men are better groomed than his usual heroes, hence my comparison with modern soccer studs, but the bleak, alien landscape they are stranded in, conjured up with a wash of red, is a typical setting, normally home to primitive muscle men contending with giant predators who can't decide whether to eat them or dangle them by the balls.
This image seems to have its origins in the work below. I can't identify it but it seems to originate from the same render kit used by Homoeros. (Update: thanks to a reader has supplied the correct attribution in the comment below, Achillias) There's no shame in adapting another artist's work and Kalbro's cock chain is an inspired embellishment. In fact, simply by reworking the scene in pencil he transforms it and gives the men character and emotions.
Read the mitchmen review of Kalabro's Art from the A-Z of Fetish Artists
I have added an extension to this article with lots more pictures
plus an update on where you can find his art in Best of Kalabro