I love the stubbly captive in this picture and although I'm not greatly enamoured of fantasy men with long hair I thoroughly approve of the way he's groping his victim. Great image.
This image seems to be set in a similar, dangerous fantasy world, possibly the same two men. It features an interesting variant of 'the wedge' torment which I featured in a number of posts a little while ago. Once again there's an eerie intimacy between the two men which adds to the tension.
(click on the 'riding the wedge label below to see more)
This fanciful imagining of a technological milking scenario doesn't quite qualify as a 'factory', in fact the donor's 'produce' seems to be recycled directly into their companions so this is about a different sort of humiliation. However, it's good to see mature men in the driving seat, as it were and there's even an intergenerational flavour too.
The open-legged restraint on the left is an impressive idea, simply expressed but most effective.
Given the fantasy allusions in the previous images, it's not too surprising to see aliens getting in on the act. I'm attracted to this image by the open-legged restraint again whose possibilities are amplified by the nasty-looking claw poised just below. The implement coming in on the right looks a bit like a vacuum cleaner but that does not really detract from it's menace potential!
Simplicity is the keynote of this image, which I have extracted from a page of several sketches.
There's possibly an element of wedging too, but I can't decide what the gag extension represents. It seems to cry out for a dangling chain attachment to anchor the captive in position.
In these uncomplicated images the artist adds great intensity with his facial expressions.
The 'clean line' approach also suits the artist's excursions into spanking.
His ability to conjure an attractive, fully grown man is enviable.

While this little gem seems to define the humiliation of being spanked.
Cropping out the spanker leaves options for the viewer to imagine who he is.
This artist has also explored medical scenarios as we saw in the preceding, Milking Factory post.
Tickling is a fetish I have rarely explored here but I like the restraint arrangement and the characterisation of the 'patient' is refreshingly original with a truly modern, metro-male ambiguity of personality. His mix of embarrassment and confusion is very nicely done. The Doc is well-depicted too. The dog-tags and olive jock seem to imply a military setting, but he'll have to get a haircut if they decide he's up to it!
There's much more serious medical activity at work here, highlighted by a cleverly contrived atmospheric treatment (slightly a la Disney) with the open door letting in a shaft of light to spotlight the unfortunate strait-jacketed captive and reveal to him an array of new invasive equipment which he will have to cope with. Not too many clues to the background scenario but the strait-jacket seems to imply a dangerous deviance that needs to be fixed.
There are similar ingredients here but a more conventional medical setting.
The bare top character passing by at the rear might be a fellow patient
or perhaps it's informal Friday for the staff!