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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Friday, 21 August 2020

More Art of ObiCumKenobi

I love the stubbly captive in this picture and although I'm not greatly enamoured of fantasy men with long hair I thoroughly approve of the way he's groping his victim. Great image.

This image seems to be set in a similar, dangerous fantasy world, possibly the same two men. It features an interesting variant of 'the wedge' torment which I featured in a number of posts a little while ago. Once again there's an eerie intimacy between the two men which adds to the tension.

(click on the 'riding the wedge label below to see more)

 This fanciful imagining of a technological milking scenario doesn't quite qualify as a 'factory', in fact the donor's 'produce' seems to be recycled directly into their companions so this is about a different sort of humiliation. However, it's good to see mature men in the driving seat, as it were and there's even an intergenerational flavour too. 

The open-legged restraint on the left is an impressive idea, simply expressed but most effective.

Given the fantasy allusions in the previous images, it's not too surprising to see aliens getting in on the act. I'm attracted to this image by the open-legged restraint again whose possibilities are amplified by the nasty-looking claw poised just below. The implement coming in on the right looks a bit like a vacuum cleaner but that does not really detract from it's menace potential!

Simplicity is the keynote of this image, which I have extracted  from a page of several sketches.

There's possibly an element of wedging too, but I can't decide what the gag extension represents. It seems to cry out for a dangling chain attachment to anchor the captive in position.

In these uncomplicated images the artist adds great intensity with his facial expressions.

The 'clean line' approach also suits the artist's excursions into spanking.
His ability to conjure an attractive, fully grown man is enviable.

While this little gem seems to define the humiliation of being spanked.
Cropping out the spanker leaves options for the viewer to imagine who he is.

This artist has also explored medical scenarios as we saw in the preceding, Milking Factory post. 
Tickling is a fetish I have rarely explored here but I like the restraint arrangement and the characterisation of the 'patient' is refreshingly original with a truly modern, metro-male ambiguity of personality. His mix of embarrassment and confusion is very nicely done. The Doc is well-depicted too. The dog-tags and olive jock seem to imply a military setting, but he'll have to get a haircut if they decide he's up to it!
There's much more serious medical activity at work here, highlighted by a cleverly contrived atmospheric treatment (slightly a la Disney) with the open door letting in a shaft of light to spotlight the unfortunate strait-jacketed captive and reveal to him an array of new invasive equipment which he will have to cope with. Not too many clues to the background scenario but the strait-jacket seems to imply a dangerous deviance that needs to be fixed.

 There are similar ingredients here but a more conventional medical setting.
The bare top character passing by at the rear might be a fellow patient 
or perhaps it's informal Friday for the staff!

Monday, 17 August 2020

Milking Factories 7 - Studies by ObiCumKenobi

ObiCumKenobi - Milking Parlour (mod by Mitchell)

 A Technician monitors the output performance of an older man complaining of fatigue.
A new milk donor arrives to fill the gap in the production line caused by a droop-out.
He's already been primed in the assessment centre with Valium and porn.
Blindfolds are applied to men who need to imagine they are being personally milked.
By the time they realise the truth it's too late.

View Original sketch by ObiCumKenobi


ObiCumKenobi - CP Creamery (mod by Mitchell)

 Operatives have discovered that a richer product (creamy with a slightly bitter tang) can be obtained if the normal electro-stimulation is supplemented by random CP. A special milking stall has been developed to facilitate ease of extraction without unseemly evasion manoueveurs by the herd. For most men a sample of the paddle (or the operatives preferred device) coupled with the threat of more to come is sufficient to obtain most of the desired taste but some operatives believe that a firm slap during ejaculation also increases yield.

View Original sketch by ObiCumKenobi

ObiCumKenobi - Electro-Stim Test 2 (mod by Mitchell)

New members of the herd are carefully assessed before they are allowed onto the production line.

They must be introduced to the electro-stimulation technique and the optimum fit and style of stim-plug found for their cavity. They are primed with the 'supplements' which are used to ensure continuous production. Only then can their yield and cum quality be confirmed as meeting the high standards of the factory. Most men find this procedure quite exciting although they usually resent the restraint. A lengthy stint on the production line usually corrects any misconceptions.

View Original sketch by ObiCumKenobi

 There's another version of this image at the foot of this post

ObiCumKenobi - Tommy's Torment

Sometimes donors need to be taken out of production and 're-trained'.
A period of isolation and one-to-one mentoring are usually successful
 in restoring the donor's enthusiasm for the production line

ObiCumKenobi - Electro-Stim Test 1 (mod by Mitchell)
Alternative version of Electro-Stim test
I came across the original versions of these images as simple sketches but thought they made a great fit for the Milking Factory series and decided to colourise them (with a few minor modifications) to publish here. Except for 'Tommy's Torment' which is unchanged.
More Art by ObiCumKenobi

 ObiCumKenobi at Twitter

Go to Milking Factories 8

For other milking Factories click on the 'milking' label below

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Bulges and Tentacles

This blue-eyed boy, looking alone and lost in the jungle, 
may have been intended as a picture of Chris Redfield.
Not exactly a dead ringer, but he works just as well as a different STARS agent.
One with muscular arms to die for - oh and also he has bulging trousers.

The agent breaks a sweat and grimaces  as a tentacle rips off his T-shirt,
he cuddles his own torso as though there's been a stinging attack on it.
Meanwhile the invading tendril sneakily (snakily?) pulls down his trousers
revealing that underneath he's wearing a nice line in slinky, very skimpy briefs.
The frond cradles his balls, teasing out the trapped cock-head
which looks about to catapault outwards - nice!

Art by ArielXY

Monday, 10 August 2020

Friday, 7 August 2020

Hethong - Slaves of the Centaurs

 A marvellous atmospheric invocation of the drudgery of enslavement 
(with fantasy beings as the culprits for once!)
I'm not 100% sure of this attribution, it's exceptionally richly textured by Hethong's usual standards

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

6 by Jonathan

Jonathan - Internet Cop Spanking
Cops usually seem to help themselves to any man who falls into their clutches, so this image showing a cop being spanked for being a 'bad boy' is a refreshing change. The same blond Officer also appears in Jonathan's 'Rookie Cop' mini-series. The muscularity of the spanker is a most appealing element in this confrontation. The setting appears to be an Office of the Man's Hand Studio and one can imagine a Cop raiding the place on the pretext of hunting down porn. Instead he finds himself a participant in it with onward transmission a likely possibility. We even get a glimpse of cock.

I didn't feature any straight-forward OTK images in my A-Z entry on Jonathan, but this seems an unusually erotic example of the type. As always he gives us only a glimpse of undercarriage but the sprinkling of pubic hair and well-formed chunky thighs distinctly elevate the erotic temperature. The victim's open shirt is sexy in it's own right and the combination of all these elements creates a degree of sensuality that I have rarely seen in Jonathan's pictures. Combine that with another exceptionally chunky spanker (who looks as if he is equally impressed by what's on display) and it makes for a potent brew indeed!

It's not the season to be jolly but that's not likely to be the outcome of this scene anyway! The prickles of the holly seem particularly threatening coming as they do on the heels of a separate recent spanking. The words imply a wider domination situation where refusal may not be an easy option.
I (unconsciously) borrowed this scenario for my own 'Christmas Criminal' series

The pathos of this tearful, spanked man is given added intensity by the watch and ring on his fingers which suggest a previous degree of self assurance that has taken a bit of a knock from someone more powerful. The medallion hanging from his neck (I don't think this is a GI!) is a flashback to an bygone era when it denoted flashiness and undeserved wealth. Is he parting his cheeks as well, to show his total capitulation, or is that wishful thinking?

A young thief is punished after his ill-gotten gains are discovered under the bed.
The ripped clothing suggests it was a struggle to get him set up,
but the resulting pose, kneeling bottom up on the bed is an enticing one.
The toe peeping out of the sock is a nice touch.

A early villain of a different colour.
A supporter of the National Front is chastied and proves a lot less tough than his publicity claims.
Surprisingly this image is just as topical now as was when first drawn.

 Please visit my A-Z entry on Jonathan for information on links on this artist

Saturday, 1 August 2020