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The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has resumed posting. (see Group News for link)

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Message updated 9th Feb 2025

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Jotto - Jungle Boy Excerpts

The popularity of Jotto's gay fetish art never seems to wane and these excerpts from his recent 'Jungle Boy' series demonstrate that his powers to excite are as strong as ever.

Jotto - Jungleboy Trashed

Jungleboy's captors treat him with contempt.
But they cannot diminish his aura of masculinity.

Jotto - Jungleboy Power-Washed

His physical attributes seem to win him a reprieve.

Jotto - Jungleboy slung

But only so that they can use him.

Jotto - Jungleboy Face Down

Jungleboy is cast aside and  left for dead
But the jungle is his friend, he lives to fight another day.

Jotto - Jungleboy Vengeful

But his spirit is far from extinguished.

Jotto - Jungleboy To The Rescue

Jungleboy is not alone in being abused.
He rescues another victim from the gang, Thiago.
They fall in love.

Jotto - Jungleboy Arrow Shot

But the gang pursue the escapers and corner them.
The reclaim Thiago and punish Jungleboy 'Sebastian style'.

In the historical story St Sebastian is not killed by the soldier's arrows
and so it proves here. 

Jotto - Jungleboy Walking Away

Once again Jungleboy is able to return to the shelter of the jungle.
But it's not necessarily the end.


I have tweaked Jotto's story here for presentation purposes, he gives it a surprisingly romantic ending with Jungleboy and Thiago sailing off into the wild blue yonder. In this series he dabbles with some extreme and difficult subject matter in places which I have discreetly tiptoed round in this selection although I have drawn the line at blood. You can find the omissions at the Telemachus gallery link below. However his artistry with the male physique and depictions of 'the hero in peril' are outstanding and even win over my normal aversion to long hair. Super erotic art.


 Other Jotto articles at mitchmen blog: 

There's a vast collection of gay art at Telemachus 12
see Jotto's Gallery there

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

New at the Royale Studio Open Archive

The latest addition to the Archive
features smacked bottoms in tight white shorts

Gym Instructor

Saturday, 9 September 2023

The Torments of Channing Travolta

 When a man with a smiling, college jock face calling himself 'Channing Travolta' posts publicity pictures of himself in virgin white trunks, he's creating an image that is an attractive target for all the beastly characters in the world of wrestling who just love to take a self-regarding, pretty boy down a peg or two. 


Against Elite Eliot he confident turns up wearing brash red trunks with matching arm bands plus a bleach blond hair-do that projects more edge than his squared-jawed, well cushioned appearance actually delivers.

Nevertheless his chunky physique alone suggests he will be a formidable opponent and more than able to look after himself. So it proves. He gains an early ascendancy over the highly experienced Eliot and pauses to showboat as if to assure us 'you ain't seen nothing yet'.

His undisguised glee while inflicting a painful claw hold on Eliot's face reveals a typically jock-like, cruel streak and contempt for his opponent. Travolta's arrogance is likely to backfire badly at some point, especially against an old trooper like Eliot, who's more wrestler than bully, but no stranger to inflicting unpleasantness on his opponents.

Eliot can turn to a dirty trick or two of his own. if he's riled.
And what better way to do it than by grabbing Channing's showy hair?

In very short order, Channing finds himself down on his knees, 
being levered into back-breaking agony.

His pretty-boy face is engulfed by the sweaty hairiness of Eliot's armpit.
But, inexplicably, his manhood pushes out against the restraint of his trunks.

Channing has suddenly lost control of this contest,
His superior weight and strength are neutralised by his opponent with humiliating ease
It's used against him as he is dropped, crashing down onto the canvass.

His foray into the ring suddenly ends in humiliation and failure. 

see video trailer of Channing v Eliot at Wrestler4Hire


A second match quickly follows.

Max Quivers' mask and business suit don't fit the template of a serious wrestler,
 but he's a lot bigger than Channing and that the spooky outfit belies a wealth of fight experience. 

Channing quickly discovers that truth as Max's friendly handshake
 suddenly pulls him into a backwards arm lever and torso twist.
He forces Channing to bend, exposing his fleshy waist to a vicious claw hold.

It's as if those red trunks have angered Max, like the proverbial bull shown a red rag.

Throwing Channing down onto the canvas, the black depths of Max's psyche emerge 
as he wraps his hands round Channing's neck and squeezes the choke hold.

Max releases his hold before Channing passes out, allowing him to roll away 
But then he follows and traps him, pinning his neck beneath the sole of his shoe.
Giving us a nice view of Channing's buns!

As Channing struggles to his knees. Max takes off his tie. 
He wraps it round Channing's neck, pulling it chokingly tight.

Within seconds Channing collapses, gasping for breath again.
Max releases him before passes into unconsciousness.
But Channing's torment has barely begun.

Max removes his jacket, showing he means business.
He traps Channing's arms in torso stretch that has the new boy squirming,
like a turkey who's just found out about Christmas.

That turkey comparison seems to have occurred to Max as well.
With Channing down on his knees before him 
Max seems intent on wringing his neck. 

It's a short step to a repeat of Eliot's humiliation, 
as Channing's face is smothered by Max's arm pit.
I'd wager that Max's shirt is a lot sweatier and smellier 
than Elite Eliot's underarm hair.

Channing's too busy to appreciate such nuances,
because Max's knee is grinding into his back.

The back-breaking attack gathers pace as Max flips him over
and folds his legs into the dreaded Boston Crab.

Channing's chunky physique is marvellously displayed.
exerting every ounce of strength in his body
to stop Max squatting on him and thus capping the move.
His face graphically shows the effort and pain involved.

Max does enough damage to leave Channing helpless on the mat.
Like Eliot before him, he can't resist pulling the Golden Boy up by his bleached hair.

Channing seems to have lost the will to fight
even with his hair being twisted out by the roots.
He's spotted the discarded tie lying on the canvas nearby, 
like a snake poised to strike again. 

Rolling Channing over, Max levers his arms behind his back 
The big college jock is completely overpowered and hurting.

That tie now seems to like a threat of bondage.
Channing bleats something about the rules, as if he's an angel himself.

In another uncanny echo of Channing's debut against Eliot
Max shows just what he thinks of 'The Rules' by grabbing Channing's mouth, 
prising it open and paying him back, it seems, for using a similar move against Eliot.

Channing grabs the tie as if fearing it will now become a gag.

A great shot of Channing's ass with Quiver's crotch hovering over it,
Channing's bent leg blocks any exploitation, fortunately (or unfortunately)
but with Quiver's weight bearing down on it that's scant compensation.

Max finishes his chastisement of the pretty boy by trapping Channing in the ropes.
he rubs in the defeat, applying the sole of his shoe to his neck again.
I hope it's clean!

Max goes off, leaving Channing humiliatingly displayed. 

see video trailer of Channing v Max Quivers at Wrestler4Hire
Thanks to Wrestler4Hire for the pictures


More of Channing's attempts to break into the wrestling big time in the next post!

For other wrestling humiliations click on wrestlers or humiliations below

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

Art by K.L.I.P.

Klip - Milking Lab

 A very original take on the milking fantasy where the 'lab rats' are being processed not by the usual suspects - medical scientists or aliens - but by some sort of military organisation. That connection plugs all sorts of threatening overtones into the ordeal of forced donation, especially as the two subjects we see have closely-cropped or shaved head hair, implying they are not merely persons of scientific interest to the experimenters but serious prisoners. One of them is being hustled away but resisting as though not wanting to to be separated from his companion. Are they lovers, buddies or perhaps colleagues in some subversive enterprise? We don't know, but the implication is that this particular exercise is part of a wider programme facing them.

This is the only image I have ever seen by this artist but it's a remarkably sophisticated composition, dramatic and deeper than it seems at first sight. The rendering technique is showing it's age now but it must have been cutting edge in it's day with an impressive sense of visual depth and layering.


Sorry, no link, information on this artist is welcome

Click labels below for other milking and medical posts at mitchmen

Monday, 4 September 2023

The Genie of the Lump

Pantomimes were never like this in my day!

Chet Chastain and Alvin James find ways to cement their tag team partnership
at Wrestler 4 Hire. Or is this another of Chet's dastardly ploys?


Friday, 1 September 2023

Defeat and Enslavement - Art by Theurges pt3

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha 

This artist's depiction of human encounters with fantasy 'creatures' produces some memorable imagery (see Part 2) but this struggle between humans - Niamh and The Alpha - is the most substantial work at his  web site (link at the foot of the post) and arguably his best story-telling. 

Niamh is the ginger-haired, former hero and leader of a combat-based culture. He is recalled from retirement and marriage by the goading of his successor Buck, The Alpha, who has risen to power by ruthlessly eliminating his rivals and now wants Niamh to be his final and most valuable scalp. 

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha 

Forced into hand-to-hand combat, Niamh's courage and experience is no match for the overwhelming size and strength of his opponent. In this image you get the measure of the daunting imbalance as he seems to be enveloped by hairy fleshiness in an intimate, vice-like embrace which he cannot escape and prevents him fighting back.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha 

At one point, The Alpha upends him and pins him to the floor, gripping his throat in a suffocating grip. It's a position which seems to foreshadow the fate he has planned for the hero once he has been defeated.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha 

Niamh's resistance is ultimately broken when The Alpha reveals that he holds his family as hostages. Niamh is forced to kneel in an imaginative restraint apparatus (which looks like it might double up as a wallpaper pasting table when not required for sex).  Thus immobilised The Alpha allows his cronies to use the hero to satiate their brutal lusts, one after another. Niamh's family look on witnessing his degradation which climaxes (so to speak) when he is seen to be responding sexually to the assault. 

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha
This marvellous domination image is one of the highlights of the series. 
It shows Niamh voluntarily entering into The Alpha's service as his slave in order to save his family. 
He kneels at the foot of Buck's bed awaiting his new master's first instruction.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha

The defeated hero is forced to service the victor. This image seems to capture his stoic resignation and passive acceptance of the humiliating role he must now perform.
It is the start of a long and varied ordeal.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha

In the end Niamh seems to develop genuine feelings for his captor and responds to him.
He deceives himself into thinking it is a relationship based on mutual love.
In reality, The Alpha simply enjoys exploiting and controlling a strong and handsome man.
Inevitably, he eventually tires of the game.
Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha

Niamh is cast into a dungeon and forgotten by his 'lover'. 
He becomes easy prey for all the low lives and criminals who follow The Alpha. 
But his spirit has been broken .

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha
These men use him cruelly, however they wish.
He cherishes the hope that one day his lover will return
and that his sacrifice means his family are safe and unharmed.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha

Then one day the Guards come and chain him into an X-frame
Finally Buck does reappear but only to tell him that he has no use for him any more.
The poignant scene is telling depicted here.


You can see the final outcome at Theurges on pixiv

Tuesday, 29 August 2023

Exotic Predators - Art by Theurges Part 2

Theurges - Brutal Defeat, Drogo v Gaston 

Much of Theurges' art shows naked combat situations and the men depicted always have outstanding physiques. This produces some sensuous imagery when their opponents get the upper hand in the encounter. Here the handsome Gaston, reeling from previous attacks provides a marvellous muscle display as his opponent readies him for an overhead swing into a hard landing. I don't think there's a term for this move in real-life combat since it requires other-worldly strength.

Theurges - Brutal Defeat, Drogo v Gaston 

The fighters' opposition is often drawn from the ranks of fantastical creatures which are depicted as brutish, beast-like, hairy humanoids. They always win and show no scruples about disposing of their defeated opponents. Gaston had the temerity to challenge this one (Drogo) in order to prove his strength, but in this arena unfortunately, the loser loses everything. Drogo, having won his victory and sated his lust at the beaten man's expense here gives him a last appreciative fondle before despatching him to his fate.  If you follow the link at the foot of the post you will see the full fight but be warned, the conclusion is not for the faint hearted.

Theurges - Hostile Moon

Giant Lizards have long been the stuff of fantasy nightmares and in 'Hostile Moon', Lieutenant Sheernan, stranded in an alien desert by an equipment malfunction finds himself being hunted by one of the moon's top predators. Quite why he wandered away from his heavily armed spacecraft completely naked apart from his boots isn't entirely clear. He did take a weapon as a precaution but it proved ineffective and now lies in the sand at his feet.

 At this point he's probably hoping this lizard has got similar genes to King Kong and sees the hairy human as being in need of his protection in this desolate land. Being ginger he's used to attracting all sorts. Unfortunately this type of attraction is a first (and last) for him. To quote the artist "Here he makes his futile last stand against the beast". He and his boots are never seen again. Welcome to planet Vore!

Theurges - Feeding Frenzy

If you've ever been fascinated by the ability of snakes to swallow and digest their victims whole, you'll appreciate the theme of this mini-series. A multiple assault on an unsuspecting swimmer produces a glorious torso image with overtones of exotic bondage and even breath control. The title speaks for itself but this is equally an exercise in pure sensuality and restraint by containment. These marshmallow pink, water-dwelling beings seem deceptively friendly, particularly the one who's gone after the creamery department. There are worse fates, but fortunately the artist doesn't show us them.

Theurges - Speared

When portraying 'beasts' that have a more human form, this artist has a knack of being able to show the intimidating effect of superior size and bringing out an erotic dimension in it with close contacts that hint at forced intimacy. Contrasting hairiness with sleek muscularity seems like depravity and experience confronting purity and innocence - with intent to taint. This image might lead you to believe that the title here is simply a euphemism for such despoilment.

Theurges - Speared

In this world, however, life is brutal. Although the 'beast' is clearly aroused by fighting this muscular and extremely handsome man, those charms do not deflect him from his determination to end his resistance first and that can only mean one outcome. As 'hero in trouble' images go, this is very straightforward but very effective You can see the full set at the link below.

Theurges - Brock and the Fatal Squeeze

After 'Feeding Frenzy (above) it's no surprise to see tentacles rearing their head and Theurges has a distinctive take on such creatures that is totally unambiguous about the phallic inspiration. 

Brock here is an undercover agent who has just escaped from captors who had stripped him in readiness for interrogation. He managed to escape into the sewers but noticed they laughed as he slid down into the man hole. It didn't take long for one of the creatures that live in these depths to detect his warm body and vibrations. Out of the water emerged a penis-tentacle and it swiftly dived between his thighs and wrapped itself around them, lifting him into the air and preventing escape. 

The thickness of the tentacle implies great strength* while it's glistening pinkness is wormlike, suggesting flexibility and agility. Brock himself is more muscular than other victims we have seen and very adult in appearance, but can he save himself?

*See also 'Snakes and Chains'

Theurges - Brock and the Fatal Squeeze

This enwrapment, essentially confined to lassoing the legs and encircling the torso and neck of the captive has a highly realistic feel. There's a tremendous sense of focussed struggle and human muscle pitted being against the undefinable brute strength of an alien being. It's as though this creature has assimilated the ring-craft of the wrestling profession and demonstrates how effectively it can be used very economically to neutralise a man. This is completely different to the normal run of tentacle-alia where the victim's every limb is assailed from every direction and it's unheard of in that genre for the victim's tender organs to be neglected during the process. This creature has other needs.

Theurges - Brock and the Fatal Squeeze

Brock eventually succumbs to unconsciousness in the snake-like constrictions leaving the 'penicle' free to demonstrate it's other similarities to our world's serpents. However, if you are well-acquainted with legends you will know that this is not necessarily the end of Brock. 
You can see the whole 'Fatal Squeeze' story at the link below.

Theurges - Xerron the Orc v Jurgen 

This story features another one-sided contest between man and fantasy beast and in this picture it has reached the point of no return where the challenger knows he has lost but the details of his demise are yet to unfold. Jurgen, described only as 'a cocky fighter' is only thinking of escape at this point. It's not hard to work out what the Orc is thinking about though as he stoops to pick up another leg. Just follow the eyes!.

Theurges - Offering

A muscular man chained to a sacrificial block writhes as his body is engulfed by wriggling worms with penis heads. This image conforms more closely to the traditions of tentacle-land with a mass attack intent on penetrating his orifices and exercising his cock. It's described simply as a 'fertility sacrifice' which seems to imply its' a one way ticket for the captive and it's not his fertility which is intended to get the benefit. The chain restraint suggests these predators are not 'swallowers' and they don't seem to have teeth like the marsh mallow attackers either. The artist does not elucidate and I think that's probably just as well.

Theurges - Niamh v The Alpha 

This marvellous domination image is one of the highlights of the struggle for supremacy between Niamh and The Alpha. It's one of the most substantial works at this artist's web site (link below). 

Niamh is another ginger hero, recalled from retirement and marriage to curb the the growing power of Buck, 'The Alpha'. Unfortunately there are no fairy tale endings in this domain. 

More of that next time