To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Gotta get a hoss! - 1 The Big Boys

A Cowboy without a horse is a sad state of affairs.
A Cowboy with a Saddle but no horse is ripe for some good old leg-pulling.
and what better way to punish transgressions of the cowboy code 
than to send the offender off on a horse-less ride?

Kurt Kittridge (Colt)
Kurt Kittridge illustrates the general principles of the joke in this image from Colt Studios.
Minimal clothing is permitted, on a hot day a hat is advisable.
Victims must ride hard enough to work up a sweat
and christen the saddle with other bodily fluids in the process.
For a muscular man like this, it's a humiliating farce
But making rude hand gestures to the mocking ranch hands
will only only encourage them to do their worst.

This man is equally big and butch, but his response is more dignified,
aloof even, above it all, as he concentrates, rising to the challenge
The saddle here is balanced precariously on the top rail of a fence
so everyone can get a good view of him
- especially if he loses his balance and falls off 

Randy Ricks - 4 Horsemen
It's best to seat oneself carefully on the saddle,
 jokers sometimes 'spike' it with small burrs or thorns.
That can turn the ride into a traumatic experience,
 a humiliation for even the toughest of frontiersmen!

The best response is probably to look as though you're enjoying it all
 and keep your ass in the air just in case
But that's not without risk either, since gleaming, wiggling,chunky buns
have been known to trigger a 'gold rush' in sex-starved, cowboy communities 

If the saddle is set up in a remote corner of the yard like thisthe cowboy knows he's really in trouble
With the saddle so close to the ground and facing into the corner he can't perform the necessary riding action without raising his backside and providing the most enticing of displays to the watching men.

He's big enough to look after himself but they have lust and numbers on their side 
and plentiful supplies of rope!
Part 2 features the ranch novices

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Little Known Incidents of WWII - No 7. 'Flashing The Flesh'

I was extolling the revealing virtues of Army shorts in recent posts.
The covers of 1960's war comics often flashed soldier flesh,
in spite of the impressionable ages of their readers.

 When I was younger I was much attracted to blond, young men, probably influenced by the West Coast surfing craze of the time and a more specific, schoolboy crush. I suspect I might have found this character's extravagant hair a bit too blond, but he's clearly intended to press buttons with his audience and I immediately suspected a gay hand behind the picture (as is my wont!) 

The short sleeves and badges, the exotic (to a Brit!) Australian labelling and the sensual skin tones all hint of erotic intent. The stretch creases on the far leg of the shorts seem very emphatic too. Wearing shorts in the jungle seems daring anyway, with all those creepy crawlies lurking around. That leg-up pose and the sheer briefness of his shorts (with just a hint of sexy, ragged hems) speaks for itself. 

But if you look at his raised left leg, what else do you see? 
At first I thought the shorts were billowing wildly outwards and revealing naked buttock inside. Then I realised that his (revealed) bottom cheek looked too small for that, but perhaps the lower roundness of it had been hastily camouflaged by the artist so to look like the inside of his shorts. Still a bit racy though!

Eventually I saw that if you disregard the thick, curving shadow that seems to define the inside edge of the shorts (continuing the hem line curving down from the top of his thigh), then a smaller triangular billow, just as is implied by the skin colouring, becomes more obvious. This altered version by me, with the shadow removed, illustrates what I mean. It wouldn't be there in a photograph, there's no scientific basis for it being there. When it's removed, however, the clothed buttock is still sexy!

Perhaps that was the artists dilemma. But I prefer to imagine that he wanted to live up to the Commando tag of the series and suggest to his readers a bare fleshy buttock!

As I have remarked before, he didn't have to draw it like that did he?
That comment might equally be applied to the next cover image. 

Just the title of this story would get the pulse racing for many men, but the image is something else. Once again we see a soldier in unusually short shorts, with just the teeniest hint of ragged edge to suggest they were once much longer (they would have been in real life, but don't think I'm complaining!) 

Closer inspection of his shorts (well, we all look don't we?) reveals some odd details. The fly opening finishes well above his groin, so having a pee would entail dropping them round his knees or ankles - with all those sex-starved comrades around! Maybe that's why he 's shortened the legs, to get it out that way. The area below his fly is confused, it's blurred and bears little relation to the contours of his body, erotic or otherwise. The blue-ish area between his legs is just plain wrong and the dark shadows and open leg just to the right of it end abruptly (like his fly seems to). 

Conclusion? This was once a much more interesting picture that has been doctored.

The open legged, kneeling pose is not devoid of eroticism either and it's not a standard firing position. Oddest of all, he's straddling rocks, one of which is touching his inner thigh and looking rather like a buttock and the other having a very suggestive shape of a different kind! 
An artist's revenge on the censor?

  For some reason the jungle seems to give even greater flesh-flashing opportunities.
I think the warm, humid atmosphere must rot the cloth.

There's no need to look for hidden eroticism in this picture. The soldiers tattered threads, square jaw adorned with stubble, hunky (and hairy?) bared arms and menacing weapon all adequately deliver the goods and the artist has even given him ginger hair for niche tastes. Personally I think he's too well tanned to be a ginge, it must be out of a bottle.

A handsome GI lost in the jungle for my American readers.
This is from a different book but it looks like the same artist is responsible.
This chap's even showing a nice bit of chest hair, but that part of his body still in uniform is beyond reproach or insinuation from me. Very straight. No funny shaped rocks even.

The full cover below shows he's in a very dangerous situation,
allowing us to imagine him being captured (and stripped and tortured?)

click to enlarge

This final example is not flesh-baring at all, but at first sight it looks like it is, with the charging soldier seeming to show a bared right leg, like a mason. It's actually a trick of the shading but that shadow and the highlighting of the leg below is really very odd. 

As I may have said before, the artist didn't have to draw it like that did he?
(I'll pass over the suggestive angling of the gun pointing up between his legs from the trench!).

For other articles in this series click on the 'war comics' label below

Go to No 8 - 'Bizarre Brutality'

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Art by Justin

Justin - Take it like a man
 I have upgraded my 2009 A-Z article about Justin, replacing vanilla details of his images with the full pictures (i.e. uncensored). I have also corrected his link in the index of artists which previously routed to Julius (!).

The example above is a more recent work in which he experiments with CGI techniques.
The precision slotting together of rimmer and rimmee here, coupled with a gorgeous suspension arrangement and magnum-size heavy-duty tit weights can only be described as high fetish. Excellent. 

Compared with his freehand technique, there's a degree of simplification in the imagery and separation of the characters which is not without merit but the manic, lustful energy of the earlier works seems to have faded too, which is a shame.

Later images still take on a distinctly Ulf-like character. I'm not sure about that development!

The link to his blog, to see more, can be found in the original Justin A-Z article  

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Alex Oliver - The Red Trunks 3

After two pastings, Alex has had enough of rough wrestlers and is going home,
but Damien Rush has other ideas,
He's obviously heard good reports about Alex's magical, red trunks
He cadges a lift and, when it is safe to do so, chloroforms him

Alex is transported back to the ring in which he has already suffered so much.
He looks just as sexy in denim but Damien is keen to see what all the fuss is about.
Undoing another man's belt and zip is never as easy as you think it will be,
even if your hand is not trembling with excitement, let alone inside a glove

Eventually Damien gives up and shreds the denim instead
Getting a satisfying glimpse of red. That's what all the fuss is about

No sooner has he got Alex undressed than he starts to come round
Damien wraps his legs around him enjoying the victim's squirming as he goes under again.

Now at last he is free to appreciate all Alex's attractions
His smooth, chunky build and nicely padded trunks

Not forgetting the fabled rear view

Alex straddles the centre rope, as though he was just climbing out of the ring to leave 
It's an erotic conjunction and his thighs look terrific here, the red trunks gloriously pouched
 He seems to be consoling a distinctly anguished Damien, placing a hand on his thigh.
But Damien is to be playing for keeps, restraining him now with a chain around his neck

Will Alex escape or will Damien keep him for ever?

 In 'The Red Shoes' story by Hans Christian Anderson, a vain girl is compelled to keep dancing by her enchanted red ballet shoes as a punishment for wearing them in inappropriate places. At times it seems that Alex is in danger of suffering an equivalent fate but I know of no other sightings of those enchanting red trunks. So far.......

see more of this match and a review at Skull Island
more of a treat for kidnap fans than wrestling aficionados
Photos courtesy of

Wrestler4Hire videos and photo galleries are rich in erotically slanted imagery like that shown here. The wrestlers on offer are all pretty attractive and cover a full range of body types and ages. There's a free membership option which allows limited access for browsing and sampling of videos.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Alex Oliver - The Red Trunks 2

Alex starts his next contest wearing a fetching, white leotard of the type more usually worn by gymnasts than wrestlers. It shapes his body nicely but the undulations of what lies underneath are largely washed out. (They do however magically reappear if you copy the image and reduce the gamma). The overall image he projects in this garment is of cleanliness and positive sporting virtues, but the uniformity of the look from crotch to neck also creates a sense of him being exposed and lacking protection, something that paradoxically you don't notice with a bare top.

This outfit bulks him out a bit, both upper body and thighs, and Alex is going to need all the bulk he can get for this opponent (unimaginatively nick-named 'The Mountain'). I don't think this is going to be the day Alex becomes top dog. At this point he's already taking a pasting and this corner pose with outspread arms expresses a vulnerabilty and expectation of punishment that combat fans and fetish enthusiasts alike will relish (just call it schadenfreude if you don't want to seem prurient).

I often dream up fantasies of wrestling imagery transplanted into a real world scenario but I can't concieve of any way this confrontation might occur outside the wrestling ring.

The title of this encounter is My Nuts Bro' and that's all the explanation you need for the picture above. If you ever wondered how wrestling ever got into a blog that's largely about bondage and S&M, well you know now. Pretty good acting from Alex here - assuming that's what it is. I imagine it's hard to film a scene like this without the occasional accident but would be a bit cruel to include the footage in the final release.

You can see here that Alex is quite a big chap up close.At this point in the procedings he's starting to lose his leotard, as often occurs in these bouts, you can see a tantalising glimpse of red underneath.

 Alex's leotard is forcibly removed to reveal those sexy red trunks. They weren't very lucky for Alex when he faced Chet Chastain and it's shaping up the same here. At one point I thought the white leotard might have been borrowed from a 'real' gymnast and thus needed to be removed as soon as decently possible to avoid damage. However, Mountain's mangling of it here in order to throttle poor Alex with it seems to dispel that notion. The power that this enormous man could bring to bear on a victim's throat don't bear thinking about.

Mountain seems quite determined to dispel the 'Jolly Bear' image of jumbo sized men as he goes for Alex's tackle again. We get a nice view of the sexy buttock line of Alex's briefs, the bulk of his glutes points to lots of hard work in the gym.

The finale brings the red briefs back to centre stage as bad boy Mountain tangles up Alex in the ring ropes and levers them against his back. Alex's bruised and aching pouch is squashed against the strategically-placed centre rope and his anguish is evident and understandable. The snaking of the waistband as his body arches backwards is a visual treat.

As indeed is the sprayed-on rear view seen here. It looks here like Mountain is getting an eyeful of those splendid buns himself. If he's inclined to linger over the feast, Alex needs to brace himself. The creases in his lower back reflect the stress already being imposed on it and you can sense the big man may be winding up to deliver more.

Photos courtesy of

Wrestler4Hire videos and photo galleries are rich in erotically slanted imagery like that shown here. The wrestlers on offer are all pretty attractive and cover a full range of body types and ages. There's a free membership option which allows limited access for browsing and sampling of videos.

Monday, 1 October 2018

Alex Oliver - The Red Trunks 1

Despite his trim, muscular physique, Alex Oliver's cute, college boy looks are not exactly my usual idea of 'hunkiness'. However, they give him a look of youthful innocence that makes him ideal for the 'jobber' role in wrestling, the guy whose job is to be dominated and humiliated by everyone else.
In this image from Wrestler4Hire, Chet Chastain duly obliges.

 The boyish, 'puppy fat' aspect of Alex's face comes out in this image. It probably hasn't escaped your notice that he is wearing some rather shapely wrestling briefs here. Their skimpy appearance is enhanced by the broad pale waistband but there's still room for the young wrestler to fill them out with an interesting bulge.

Chet Chastain pauses and roars in triumph as he prepares to turn the helpless Alex over and into the so-called 'Boston Crab' position that has the potential to wreck his back. Chet is wearing chunky black boots and knee bands which have a slightly fetishistic aura about them and help to project his dominance, particularly as Alex is wearing nothing but his scanty trunks. Were it not for the wrestling ring setting, you might imagine that he's just been snatched from the beach by a 50's style, 'kick sand in yer face' bully, who's gone there looking for someone to humiliate and hurt and found this nice, cute, young guy in sexy, red trunks who fits the bill perfectly. Oliver's clenched fists symbolise his helpless frustration, as he is forced to wait for Chastain to deliver his worst.

Chet pauses to crow again before squatting and forcing his body weight down on poor Alex's back . Chet's suitably hard and villainous look is not unattractive despite the arrogant streak. He shows a broad, intimidating physique in this rather heroic pose that radiates strength. Alex Oliver's lithe muscularity looks distinctly fragile in comparison. The swirl of his waistband highlights the implacable turning of his body into the painful position that will soon force him to acknowledge Chet as his superior..

If that experience were not bad enough, Alex discovers that his forfeit for losing is to be spanked. Not content with defeating him in manly contest, Chastain wants to humiliate him with an indignity normally reserved for naughty children who need taking down a peg. Alex's dismay is apparent.

It's not really possible to take this punishment like a man, but at least Chastain doesn't force Alex to lie across his knee and offer up his ass while in intimate contact. However, the 'all fours' receiving position, with no direct physical restraint imposed by the spanker, is even worse in a way. In essence it's voluntary and therefore even more submissive. In addition the bully's ability to swat is unrestricted and Chastain takes full advantage of the open target Alex offers him.

Watch the birdie! A slightly manic-looking Chastain forces 'cry baby' Alex to pose for the camera so that his post-humiliation pain, is captured for posterity. It will probably be no consolation to him that his trunks have held up splendidly and still make him look great, creating a neat little package that makes you want to reach out and touch.  

Alex shows us that the reverse side of his coin is just as good as he is finally allowed to roll away and lick his wounds. The clingy-ness of this garment, even after a bout of physical exercise, is most impressive. Chet's showing signs of having enjoyed his humiliation of the lad in more ways that one. He looks round as if he's wondering if he can get away with more.  

'More' actually turns out to be a ring-cleaning chore. Chastain polices the job, pointing out bits of debris he's missed. He's forcing Alex to do it from a less-than-natural kneeling position which suggests he's been in the army and knows all about how to make 'fatigues' a punishment, not just a straight-forward, unwanted task. He's underlining that he's still the boss and in fact Alex looks more boyish than ever at this point, so subservient you almost start to feel sorry for him. Still, he is the undoubted winner of the trunks contest, even if Chastain's white panel is not without interest.

Photos courtesy of

Wrestler4Hire videos and photo galleries are rich in erotically slanted imagery like that shown here. The wrestlers on offer are all pretty attractive and cover a full range of body types and ages. There's a free membership option which allows limited access for browsing and sampling of videos.

Alex Olivers page           ~                 Chet Chastain's page

Friday, 28 September 2018

A Cross-Generational Story

"Settle down, I want to tell you a story"

"It started as just another night out. It was a club I hadn't visited before.
When I saw how young everyone was there, I thought I'd made a mistake...."

"There wasn't much going on, but there was plenty to look at.
I was soon getting horny and approached a guy sat at the bar.
He said, 'no thanks' but told me where the action was".

"I hung around hopefully, but it seemed like everyone had paired off.
I was just about to call it a day, when I felt a hand on my belly.
I realised these boys wanted a bit of help".


"I moved in eagerly, maybe too eagerly,
I don't think he expected a kiss to start with,
but their hands were all over me.
My pants hit the floor straight away".

"I'm an affectionate man and it worked a treat.
He told me they'd always wanted to meet 
an older, bigger, more experienced man. 
A man just like me, in fact".

 "That got me going, I kissed him long and deep"

"His physical response was all I could have wished for,
so I suggested we went somewhere more private"

"His pal tagged along too and they both offered themselves up to me.
They both had very sweet asses. Who was I to choose?"

"Luckily in a situation like that 
I can always rely on my cock to point the way.
It favoured sticking with the original choice
I told the other guy to wait outside, 
knowing that would keep him keen
 if he was really interested in me."

 "He was pissed off of course, but I coaxed him.
By the time he'd gone I was so horny......
I could have eaten that sexy young man!"


"I was pleased he was willing to go all the way.
I made sure to be kind and considerate with him.
so he'd know he'd been had by a real man,
an experienced man"


His pal was waiting outside, just as I told him to.
He wanted to know what had happened, 
So I gave them a bit of space........
 - and when I judged the time was right, 
I interrupted them and said....

"Come on boys, it's time to go home now
 and you're coming with me. Both of you."


"They were both so eager when we got back.
But I played it cool, you know.
I know how to keep a man hooked.
and at my age I have to conserve my energy!"

"Months later, my boys are still here.
I thought they'd get bored and move on, but no.
They're still as eager as ever to enjoy my attention
and my guidance, I keep them well disciplined, naturally ".

"Every once in a while I treat them to a night out
down at the club where we first met.
We re-enact our first, wild encounter there, but with a twist.
Because neither of them knows until I tell them,
Which of them is going to be drilled by me, alone, in the cubicle".