To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Arrest No 1 - Caught in Underwear (c-in2)

 You're probably familiar with these first two iconic 'arrest' images. They were created for C-IN2 to promote their underwear some years ago (2004), but have been cherished by male domination enthusiasts ever since. 

You can decide for yourself whether the two bad boys have been caught with their pants down having some fun or if the cops arrested them for some other reason and decided to carry out a strip search on the spot.

 The villain shows a lithe body and sexy mound as he is bundled into the police car to be taken away. His facial expression conveys dismay and humiliation. I imagine there were other pictures published besides these two and I've always wondered what happened to the boy bent over the car boot.

I recently stumbled across this image which comes from the same shoot with the same sense of erotic drama. You get the impression here that the two felons are not to be taken off to jail, but dealt with on the spot. That white underwear is very corrupting!

See the video here it has some good, but fleeting, glimpses of the arrest

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Spank and Go

Bottom v Top by  Chirenon
click to enlarge

Another image  from Male Protection blog built around the fantasy of having a boyfriend whose tackle is kept permanently locked up in a chastity cage - or as Chirenon (the blog creator) has it, 'a protector'. He's also woven into this scenario a succinct demonstration of the erotic appeal of spanking. 
It adds up to a very hot, little scene. 

For my money the imposed power of the lock-up is a more interesting expression of domination than the demanding of grovelling subservience. The 'yes Sir, yes Master' routine has always seemed a bit theatrical to me. It tends to emasculate and diminish the victim, which seems self-defeating in the context of lusting after a another male. Better to dominate a man than a mouse!

For this reason I'd prefer the so-called 'boy' to be less spindly and more manly. Chirenon does feature older men in his work too but I couldn't pass over that delectable rear or the supple backward arch in the last picture, which by the way is a rather beautiful composition. The Yin-Yang  curves of the two men's bodies are reversed and echoed in the conjunction of the penis and buttock. This generates such an emphatic sense of them coming together, that it doesn't seem to matter that we don't actually see it happening. We can well imagine it.

 Story courtesy of Male Protection blogspot
(superceded by a tumblr one now, search for 'Chirenon')

Monday, 12 November 2012

Lock and Keep

 The mitchmen theme is 'putting men in their place'
and this little photo-manipulation story by Chirenon is a nice example.
click on the pictures to expand

 New Rules 1

The scene is set with a nice blokey opening. I love the laconic dialogue. 
The 'lost bet' is a classic male domination story line that was being used as a flimsy excuse for male nudity by Royale Studio and AMG back in the sixties and doubtless long before that.

 New Rules 2

The joke develops an nice edge as the top reveals his liking for seeing men 'locked-up'. This particular design is quite enhancing in the flesh. By the same token it' will be difficult to conceal under male clothing. The naive 'loser' realises too late that without the key, he's not only given himself a tricky dress problem but surrendered much of his capacity for sexual pleasure - indefinitely it appears. A very subtle form of bondage. I like the idea of a top that gets off on keeping his man caged, while enjoying him from the other end, without guilt. Tantalisingly, the story ends without showing us that scene.

Story courtesy of Male Protection blogspot 
Chirenon's Rules

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Submissive men by Blaze

Three more great pictures from Theo Blaze's Blog

 Born To Serve

 In Captivity

 Keep Cool Mister, I said I'd do it!

Sunday, 4 November 2012

In Ancient Times

I don't usually feature photo manips in this blog, the recent article on 'Priapus of Milet' being a notable exception. It's partly an unintended consequence of my focus on traditional art in the 'A-Z of Fetish Artists' series. I deliberately excluded computer art from this survey to keep the size of the project managable. Four years on it amazes me that I've not yet found space to laud the prowess of major fetish artists like Baron, Borg and Herodotus. It's a major oversight on my part which I will have to correct! 

Today's article features work by a newer artist, Theo Blaze, 
that treads similar ground to Baron, invoking fantasies of enslavement in ancient times. 

Blaze - In Ancient Alexandria

This is a straightforward marriage of two images but cleverly done, the noblemen's eye-lines seem spot on.  The sensuous 'man-boy' in the foreground is not your normal slave material. Muscular yes, but too slightly built for hard labour. That bold erection, not to mention the wild spiky hair and blemished face suggests he'd be quite a handful as a boy lover. No wonder the nobles look disturbed and perplexed by this display!
Only the young man at the back allows himself to lust.

 Blaze - The Power of the Emperor

This is not as successful technically as my first example, but it tells a great story. The handsome young warrior held at the mercy of a sadistic captor is classic fetish stuff. Virtually every Hollywood epic and every Bound Gods video contains a scene like this but that doesn't diminish it's power. The finger stroking the stubbled chin is a cliche too but the facial expressions here make it intensely erotic. Calculating lust on the one hand (is that Lawrence Olivier?). On the captive's part, there's a delicious mixture of incomprehension, anger and fear as he senses that unconventional trials lie ahead.

Blaze's work includes a fair amount of celebrity head transplants,
many of which are unknown to me and sometimes too 'teeny' to be of interest (Justin who?).
But can any readers ID this manly captive for me?

Blaze - Fuck The Messenger

Blaze's captions add greatly to the content of his images, in this case wryly bringing to life the well-known workplace complaint. The nobles find the message more interesting than the fate of the messenger, thereby conforming to executive stereotype in a way that many of us will recognise and enjoy. This is another clever foreground-background combination, successfully blending separate images.

Blaze's manipulations are not as ambitious technically as those of Priapus or Baron but in his best work he sets up interesting and erotic ideas that are well worth exploring. Have a look at his blog 'Theo Blaze' which also contains an excellent collection of enhanced but otherwise unaltered photographs.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Hunk of The Month - Brad Rowe

Despite the veiny arms and thighs, I'm curiously attracted to body builders like Brad Rowe. This proud, almost arrogant pose is full of character. In the way of Body Builders, he presents his body for inspection and approval by men he doesn't know. The shiny posing slip with it's immodest display of manliness shows a desire to impress and please. It is a beautifully mitchmen-esque situation (putting men in their place). Brad's wary, defiant look makes his display of subservience all the more erotic.  

Inspection over, Brad turns to go. Seen from behind those shiny pants appear deliciously flimsy and intimate. They draw our attention to his weighty buns which is a 'no-go area for 'real men'. As though sensing this unsought interest, he gives us a sullen, resentful look.

Body builders look their best in more relaxed poses which allow the voluptuous curves of the torso to soften. You want to reach out and stroke those chunky mounds. The over-size shorts narrow the hips and create a less bulky, more youthful look. The hand sliding tentatively into the waistband is charmingly naive.

 Here, the military style cap has a similar softening and rejuvenating effect, but on the face this time. It's another butch pose and although it's hard to imagine a bulky torso like this on active service, the image of soldier stripping off, once again suggests a willingness to submit to discipline. 

 A study of broad shoulders and broad beam. Brad's 'piece-de-resistance' (who's resisting?!) certainy does not suffer from being packaged in jeans instead of shiny briefs. The masculine, workday garment seems to accentuate the bulk of his backside. The suggestion that they are about to be peeled off is more erotic than nudity itself. I can't decide if that is a 'come hither' look or a 'Damn you, but I need the money' look.

See Brad on Instagram

for more hunk hunting click on the 'hunk label below

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Royale Studio No 18 - The Scout - part 4 (Article Superseded)

This article has been revised and transferred to the Royale Studio blog by mitchmen


I don't know the original sequence of these images but I've placed one last because it's my favourite. The combination of front and rear views utilises the good, old, Royale, mirror technique. The lower viewpoint makes the model's proportions look more balanced and natural and the reflection of the lower body gets an extra lift from the angle of the mirror. You can see below how much the impact of the image is enhanced with more modern, tighter cropping.

4 cropped version

For sharp-eyed pornsters, the 'bulge' reflected in the mirror now appears to be pointing directly outwards towards us complete with slit. I'm not 100% sure that this is an original effect but it's pretty convincing. In Royale's time, pre-Photoshop, this would have taken some doing, either by manipulating the original lighting or by rephotographing an altered print or negative. For other examples of hidden eroticism click here.

For previous articles in this series covering 'Royale Studio' and 'Guys In Uniform' click on the GIU/Royale label below.