To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Ehrlik's Test Subject

Ehrlik - Test Subject

Another dramatic image of a muscular hero being humilated by Ehrlik
(Sorry about the female-ish scientist but I don't think it spoils the picture).

What's remarkable here is that the naked man seems to be unsupported,
his arched contortions being solely a product of his agonised writhing.

The purpose of the scientist's hand-held device is uncertain
but the clawed, free hand suggests it's not entirely benign.  
You could imagine that those pink, spiked wheels are just ticklers
but there are other explanations!

Saturday, 2 May 2020

The Bondage Art of BlackProf

BlackProf - The Attack

This dramatic image is part of a series by the artist 'BlackProf'. It shows a young man attacked whilst working on his computer by an intruder dressed all in black. The unusual, skewed viewpoint creates a striking off-balance effect and is typical of action hero comic strips. The simultaneous tying up and gagging shown here would require a superhero to perform, but neatly abbreviates the picture sequence that follows.
BlackProf - Slung and Brung

The unfortunate captive is tied up and carried off like a trophy.
It's a classic domination situation and nicely rendered.
 The semi-realistic depiction of the figures lifts the image above frivolous cartoonery
BlackProf - Wrapped

The captive is subjected to the frightening ordeal of being mummified
The motivation of the attack (and of this particular element in particular) is unclear.
There's a slight touch of eroticism in the muscularity of both parties and the tied feet. 

You can't miss the inter-generational element in these images, but the characterisation of the older man is difficult to pin down in Western Culture - more Captain Haddock than George Clooney.
However he's a familiar sight in the pages of Tagame so may present a more sinister image in Asia although the artist is in Italy according to his Deviant Art profile.

BlackProf -Grabbed

 This marvellous, capture scene features a pair of malevolent dwarves as abductors. These chaps are a recurring motif in BlackProf's work providing an unfathomable but respectable screen for their antisocial behaviour. I don't usually respond to fantasy subjects but I think this device works quite well in creating and attacker that's not easy to evade. Their target has a very nice face here.
BlackProf - Carried Away

This captive appears to be the same character as the man abducted by the 'man in black'.
The humiliating incongruity of this scenario speaks for itself, notice the bare feet again

BlackProf - My Abduction by the Dwarves - 1

 The same villains appear in this set with a different, younger looking victim.
You'll notice that the clothing style doesn't vary very much 
and it's calculated to be as tantalising but un-erotic as it's possible to be.

BlackProf - My Abduction by the Dwarves - 2

This startlingly effective image introduces an totally unexpected ingredient in the form of a bridle head-harness with gag. There's a slight drift towards cartoonery in the facial expression as though to emphasis that this is just a jokey fantasy. The dwarf standing on the victim's back conveys the impression of forceful overpowering much more effectively than a conventional human character would

BlackProf - My Abduction by the Dwarves - 4

There's usually a spanking moment in these sequences, this one seems particularly violent.
Sadly the target area does not receive it's rightful share of loving attention from the artist.

BlackProf - My Abduction by the Dwarves - 6

There's a chilling threat about the scaffold-like structure being hauled into view here.
It hasn't gone un-noticed by the captive either, although the boggled eyes are a bit much.
 Placing it in the background cleverly conveys the sense of it appearing from nowhere.
The captive's shapely pecs are a hint of what might have been.
You can see the dénouement of all these sets by following the links below.

BlackProf - Starting With Silence

 This reworking of the same theme reverts to the goatee-bearded gentleman we started with.
I admire the dramatic energy the artist manages to capture in these images.
But the desert of sexuality continues........ 
BlackProf - Stripped Down

Until now! The dwarves unexpectedly strip their captive of his clothes. 
He proves to have a more impressive booty than you might have expected.
The portray of nudity is carefully crafted to be conventionally decent
But notice how the dwarf at the rear seems to be finding the revealed area interesting.

BlackProf - Boxing The Boy

The captive is comprehensively gagged, bound and booted into a tiny box (resembling a safe).
There's even a hint of testicular interest here, stretching the boundaries of allowable nudity.
However the generous backsides in these last pictures give a clue to the artist's real gender interest.

BlackProf isn't really a gay artist and it shows in his work, but his ideas are imaginative and have a distinct edge which stokes the viewers thoughts. He treads a narrow line between realism and caricature - imperfectly sometimes from my point of view, but his comic-based technique makes up for that by conjuring up dramatic and energetic struggles that conventional art simply cannot achieve. His sometimes-slavish adherence to nudity norms is perfectly understandable, but leaves one wanting more, especially have been teased by the glimpses in the images just above. 
There's an extensive gallery of BlackProf at Deviant Art but you won't find these pictures in it, instead it is filled with the female equivalents. If you are not repelled by that subject-matter you will find more interesting images and ideas there and discover that this artist has a much better understanding of what makes a woman sexually attractive than he does a man. That is perhaps reflected in the exaggerated bottoms in the male nude pictures above which don't quite correspond to their fully clothed physiques and (generally speaking) don't achieve quite the same erotic effect in men as they do in women.

However I fear that any hope of his male art developing further may go unfulfilled. The near-uniformity of his male clothing in the four different sets presented here contrasts vividly with the wildly imaginative garb of his female abductees which he cleverly manipulates to produce added erotic effect, a feature almost totally absent from his male subjects. He doesn't even put his signature on male images and recently published a statement at Deviant Art saying he was going to concentrate exclusively on male subjects but it turned out to be just an April 1st spoof.
Make what you will of that.

There's also a BlackProf Patreon page that promises nothing but girls

You can find the set featuring a bridle-style gag at englishkinks 
all the other sets at Ralne2001 at Deviant Art

Black Prof - Robbie1
There are a few other BlackProf male images also scattered among other users at Deviant Art if you use the search function. Robbie1 above is at barabb1no.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

I Remember Chris Redfield

Chris Redfield Swallowed
Although this image references one-time favourite biohazard Agent, Chris Redfield in the title and shows tantalisation by tentacles, it's the other features of the picture that caught my eye;-

  • The sinuous, S-shaped, body posture and stressed torso dripping with fluids of uncertain origin.
  • The chunky thighs being gradually engulfed by a fleshy orifice. 
  • The arms being drawn upwards into a similar chute, stretching out the captive.
  • Last, but not least, those tattered remnants of underpants which probably never provided adequate support for that prodigious appendage in the first place and now provide evidence of a furious, erotic struggle which poor Chris seems to have comprehensively lost.

I'm not familiar with the biology of these species but it looks as if Chris has been simultaneously attacked by two separate creatures, who are now contesting which of them shall take the prize. The tug-or war could produce some interesting wriggling if we could ever see it 'GIFed'. If you're gender-sensitive it's probably best not to study the shapes of those voluptuous orifices too closely.

The vaguely military colour of those shredded threads and the barely noticeable, communicator microphone are the only visible signs of the victim's former identity. Not quite conclusive as labeling but at least providing the 'partly-clothed' erotic trigger which I talked about in my last 'Julius' post.

My copy of this image is attributed to Mark Wulfing (aka BathHouseBoi) but a reader has informed me (see comments) that this is an altered version of an original by Tentakun.

Tentakun - Prey (click to enlarge)

I like the enhanced hip effect that the smaller head produces in the original and also the teasing treatment of the underwear, but wishing no disrespect to Tentakun, I prefer the substituted head.

It's possible Mark Wulfing is responsible for the alteration, other images I've found by him seem to have a more comic drawing style, for example:

Mark Wulfing - The Hermit
I wonder if this interesting image is autobiographical?

It's hard to track down other art by him.
Possibly he's another casualty of 'Born Again Tumblr'.
This is the only link I have found: Mark Wulfing Art
This site references a Patreon page but I couldn't find it.

My take on this encounter is below:

Chris Redfield Emergency

Monday, 27 April 2020

A Day In The Water Tank

Mitchell-M721 The Water Tank (Day Break)


Life stirs in the tank as light begins to filter through the curtains

Mitchell-M721 The Water Tank (Morning Sun)

A  shaft of sunlight falls on the tank

Mitchell-M721 The Water Tank (Afternoon Shadow)

Clouds scud across the sun, obscuring it

Mitchell-M721 The Water Tank (Evening mood lighting)


Mood lighting built into the tank entertains our guests

Mitchell-M721 The Water Tank (Night-time)


The occupants of the tank settle down in the night-glow 

My first attempt at a gif is not very good but gives a better idea of what I visualised.
For more pictures by Mitchell, click on the label below or visit the Gallery Tab (top) for information about other sites including the permanent archive at Adonis Male.

Friday, 24 April 2020

Vintage Bondage - Jack Wrangler

Jack Wrangler was one of the great stars of gay porn in the 1970/80's.
He was well-regarded for his openness about his homosexuality and his obvious contentment with it. 
This oily-jock pose is one of his best known images.

His confident attitude, straight-looking appearance and modestly muscled, lean body 
gave him a special 'regular-guy' appeal which is no less attractive 40 years on.

He appeared in films like 'Kansas City Trucking Company', 'Hot House','Gemini' and 'A Night At The Adonis'. His natural masculinity and 'seemingly straight' persona made his performances as a 'bottom' especially memorable. There's a similar effect in the photo sequence below which culminates in a bondage finale.

This series of images appeared in the first issue of 'Action Male' Magazine. The cover of 'Sex Machine' (above) is taken from the same shoot but it's not part of that video as far as I know.

Wrangler deploys his acting skills in this enigmatic opening shot .It's as if he's not quite sure what he has to do and is seeking guidance from the photographer.

His clothes are standard, classic menswear in muted colours which help to create that beguiling, ordinary guy effect. The macho belt buckle and neck pendant look camp and dated now, but were commonplace fashions in their day.

Strip sequences often involve light hearted fumbling and over-eagerness to disrobe. This shoot is quite unusual in that Wrangler portrays reluctance and then impatience, anger even. There's no sense of him wanting to flaunt his body for us, quite the reverse, but no embarrassment either. It makes for an interesting photograph.

Having removed his shirt the model pauses as if hoping that's all that is required of him. It would have been in any mainstream advertising shoot at that time. There's a sense of wariness and simmering rebellion and a nice, natural shot of his torso.

The model's reluctance is partly explained when it's revealed that he's been wearing  a pair of shiny, riding boots inside his jeans and a very different personality emerges.

Boots like this were regarded as symbols of a dominant male personality and subtly threatening, but Wrangler kneels and worships them himself, as though imagining they belong to a dominant partner. That 'butch' belt is now draped around his neck waiting for a master to come and collar him.

Having exposed his inner vulnerability, Wrangler attacks his jeans with energy as though this shoot is not about gradually revealing his body for the viewer's pleasure, but simply about getting naked, a process that needs to be got over as quickly as possible. It's a very mannish thought process (shared by most modern video producers).

The photographer has other ideas and manages to catch a nice flash of white underwear, (it's a shame we don't have access to the original photo quality). A different, intimate angle might have made this image even more erotic, but by capturing the growing pile of discarded clothes in the foreground
it tells the story of the model's accumulating compliance with the order to strip and the shedding of his outer, public 'skin'.

'Free at last!', he seems to be saying, here, neatly reflecting the sense of freedom all gay men were getting used to around this time, the freedom to express all aspects of their sexuality.

When silent movies gave way to the talkies, some prominent actors whose voices did not live up to their appearance were forced to retire. I imagine there must have been a similar effect in porn when nudity became more available and stars could not hide behind clothes any more.
As you can imagine, Wrangler's generous endowment did his reputation no harm at all.

This image is a variant of the 'Sex Machine' cover above.

You get a good sense of the charisma of this man in these images. He flaunts his physique, shrugging off the awkwardness of 'half mast' underwear but portraying perhaps a lingering reluctance to surrender to complete nudity. The bowed head and hands behind back pose (while facing the intimidating boot) seems to reiterate that desire to be dominated

Be careful what you wish for!

There's a nice element of surprise in this image as Wrangler 'finds himself' naked and bound. His performance for the camera is curtailed here by the simplest of restraints, reducing him to an ordinary man now under the control of another. His twist to examine the predicament produces a subtle arching and tension in his torso

The addition of elbow ties amplifies the effectiveness of the restraint and his submissive, kneeling pose adds pathos to the frustration of captivity. I've always been a fan of simplicity in bondage scenarios and this arrangement pairs well with Wrangler's under-stated physique. There's a sense of spontaneous capture rather than a contrived, muscle restraint 'scene'.

An moment of desperation. As the captive struggles against his bindings, he unwittingly shows his backside which he uncovered voluntarily but cannot now protect. This fleeting, blurred glimpse of explicit eroticism is unexpectedly compelling.

The 'coup-de grace' is the addition of knee-ties, which makes for a pleasing symmetry in the restraint arrangements and further limits movement. Wranglers examination of the situation shows the calm thoughtfulness needed to effect escape. This is much more interesting than endless, mindless struggle because it shows intelligence and an acknowledgement of his captivity. The anguish and frustration on his face suggests he might be obliged to surrender to this fate


In these early days of liberation, explicit nudity was still a novelty, but bondage themes had largely slipped into obscurity. Having subtly flourished in the 1950's scenarios which gave the excuse for protraying near-nudity, they were pushed aside by the rush to express straight-forward, gay sexuality in full for the first time legitimately on camera. There was probably an element of 'needing to be respectable' in that prioritising too, which we see revived today in the antics of Yahoo (which perhaps ought to be re-christened as Yahboo!) 

This series showing a mainstream, 'Star' porn model in an extended bondage sequence is therefore something of a rarity and one to cherish. Jack Wrangler's understated but essentially positive masculinity which helped make him so desirable and somehow attainable makes for a perfect bondage fantasy and the sheer lack of artifice in this sequence teases the lust-buds with it's believability. A classic portrayal of a very special man.

Other Vintage Bondage articles are listed in my article on Ryder Knight 

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Julius re-imagined - The Sheep Men

 I couldn't resist these pictures from Julius' story "Devil's Canyon".
Great men and incredibly sexy, only the words have been changed!
The Sheepmen 1
The Sheepmen 2

The Sheepmen 3

The Sheepmen 4

The Sheepmen 5

The Sheepmen 6
All these pictures come from the Devil's Canyon Story (Part 1) by Julius.
I've put them together as an invented tale, but only the last three are a sequence in the original.


These pictures are a perfect illustration of why I try to champion the art of Julius by separating it from his under-age and sometimes disturbing story lines. 'Julius man' is a pretty much unique creation, a classic, mature male stereotype that deserves to be enjoyed without guilt. In this particular group, the inappropriate element is confined to the square caption boxes that characterise his work. I didn't have to remove or modify any characters. The narrative inside those boxes actually bears hardly any relationship to the pictures themselves. Removing them leaves 5 terrific, raunchy, man-on-man images.

(I've described the other alterations I've made to these pictures near the foot of this post,
plus a little 'Spot the Difference' quiz if you're bored!)

My captions are partly there to fill the visual void and satisfy my own creative impulses but hopefully they add a less contentious context to his predominantly 'fixed pose' imagery which otherwise might reduce to simple, easily-overlooked beefcake. If anyone wants me to post the stripped-down, un-captioned versions, I will. Just post a comment below, but I won't post the unamended originals.

This group of pictures highlights another marvellous facet of his work, his ability to provide his men with marvellously evocative clothing, like the principal Cowboy of image #1 whose gun-belt artfully slung across his groin seems incredibly erotic to me. I can just imagine the leather creaking as he shifts position! The token clothing of Stetson and bandanna adorning an otherwise bare torso is a classic erotic device but  it only works if the accessories look right on the naked body. The kit he draws may not be authentic, but nevertheless it connects uncannily well with the idealised Cowboys in our imaginations, which I suppose are rooted in childhood. I'm sure I'm not the only one whose enjoys seeing those TV Western characters of yore filled out into mature, muscular heroes.

The other notable items of clothing in this set are of course the sheepskin chaps in the last 3 images. I wouldn't claim that Julius has drawn them particularly well but once you grasp what they are, they sustain a remarkably erotic presence in the frames that follow, too earthy for some possibly but undeniably powerful.

Bondage is not commonplace in Julius' work but Image #2 is one of his more committed excursions into the genre, although it's barely fetish in flavour. The tantalising peripheral reference in image #4 is more typical of his approach. In the original it that leads to an S&M conclusion that is sadly too brutal to include here (see alterations paragraph below for further explanation).

As a separate point of interest, the side-kicks in the background of these images, especially the cigar smoker in #5, bear a remarkable facial resemblance to some of Tagame's characters and that brings out a wider similarity. Both have an interest in hairy, muscular, mature men of course (and younger acolytes!) but there's also more general similarity in technical style and sheer attention to detail (in clothing at least) which I've never noticed before.


My alterations to the original images

I have removed all the original caption boxes from them to eliminate 'non-adult' references
and substituted my own speech-bubbles and narrative.
 Apart from this, Images 1,2,4,5 are just as Julius drew them.

In Image 6 I changed the original bare ass into a more succulent form and added rope to tie the legs. I also turned the Sheepman's 'stick' round so it looks more like it's being held by his fist. More importantly I removed the original references to branding, that's too strong a subject for this blog, but it's pretty obvious how I've edited it out.

See below for Image 3


Spot the Difference Quiz

The Sheepmen 2
The Sheepmen 3
Image 3 is obviously a stripped down version of Image 2, with two men removed and different speech bubbles, but there are 4 more distinct areas where I changed more subtle details,
see if you can 'spot the differences! Answers at foot of the post

This is the 6th 'Julius Re-imagined' post 
You can track down all the earlier ones by following chained back-links,
 starting with the Sheriff and his Deputy

You might also like to read my A-Z article on Julius

Spot the difference answers:-
1. Captive's eyes opened. 2. 'Quiver lines' and a cum-drip added to dick. 3. Left wrist and forearm narrowed to a more normal size and shape. 4 More stubble on his chin and upper lip.

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Mitchell's Gay Art for April - The Apprentice Mechanic

The Number 1 Rule for a Mechanic is:
"Always Use The Right Tool For The Job"

The Old Hand liked his apprentices to be nice young men who were willing to learn.
But when he saw Martin he thought he was far too pretty to want to get his hands dirty.
Martin knew he was good-looking, but hated people who assumed that was all there was to him.
So when the wise-cracks got too much, he decided to drop the nice guy act
and corrected his mentor using the most appropriate tool for an over-active mouth.


Mechanics in their overalls have been something of an male icon for me.

It's a down to earth, bloke-ish trade requiring a degree of strength and willingness to get down and dirty
(as illustrated in my recent post on Jase Dean). If they fit well, the all-in-one overalls invite speculation about what is worn underneath (if anything) and they produce interesting rear views as the men bend to their tasks. The oily environment is interesting and some car parts have intriguing shapes from a fetish point of view. The job also shares some of the erotic associations of plumbing.

I have drawn a number of pictures featuring mechanics over the years but I think this is first one I have published, apart from the secret leather fetishist  in the 'Path of Pain' story (ref PP29, M331) whose collection of leather gear is found is found in his locker by his garage workmates.


This image is included in my 'Humour' collection,
which I have just reinstated in the new mitchmen club archive at Adonis Male
(you have to join purely as an age confirmation mechanism but it's free)
You can also view the 'Path of Pain' story and pictures there

For more 'mitchpix' here, click on the label below, or visit my Gallery Hub