To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Friday, 28 October 2016

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Xian


Xian's art illustrates tales of historical China, drawing on the absolute power that the aristocratic elite had over their servants and vassals.

Xian - Gardener 07

I'm not a great fan of historical scenarios or the costumes of those times (except for loincloths), however Xian's simple depictions have a directness that is quite arresting. The uncluttered style allows clarity of small details that would be lost in a more elaborate image.

Xian - Gardner 08
 In addition, the depictions of the captives in these images have a certain elemental masculine charm that is most engaging.

As you can see, Xian had a well developed publishing style but I can't find his work on the web. He used to contribute to GMBA occasionally (link in sidebar) but I haven't seen anything there recently. Any information from readers would be most welcome as always.

For more articles in this series click on the A-Z label below or search for specific artists using the index page or search boxes (top right)

Monday, 24 October 2016

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Xamda

It's slim pickings for my A-Z under the letter 'X' but I have found some interesting pictures to post.

 Xamda - Johnny and The Coach - After Hours

This is an interesting take on an old theme which has more fetish content than is apparent at first sight. I am unsure if Xamda is really the artist's name, I have been unable to trace him or this picture on the web. It's obviously computer assisted too making it a dubious qualifier under the criteria for my A-Z series, but I like it, it's colourful and topical even as we come up to Halloween. 

I'm not normally a fan of masks but that wierd, clumsily stitched variation is quite an evocative ingredient. Are we meant to think the coach is not really the coach at all....? Whatever the case, would that we could all boast the same level of leg flexibility he displays for the benefit of his bound and caned student.

(information on this artist is welcome)

For more articles in this series click on the A-Z label below or search for specific artists using the index page or search boxes (top right)

Friday, 21 October 2016

Greasetank - 2

Read this article from the start in Part 1 

Greasetank - Knuckle Alley #02
This image continues the theme of muscular thugs threatening men who are younger/softer/weaker than themselves. It forms part of a series in which the victim is beaten and forced into sex by his attackers, which poses the unsurprising possibility that butch, thoroughly-nasty, queer-bashers may have gay tendencies too. However, this is essentially an image about the eroticism of power and fear, a narrative that does not really depend on sexuality.

Greasetank - Rib Bustin' Time

I have featured many images in this blog showing a naked captive threatened by clothed attackers and such imagery is commonplace in the movies (e.g. Casino Royale). It is amazing how a few splashes of red turn such an image into something much more difficult to accept and, sadly, how much more realistic this scenario becomes.

There is obviously an erotic dimension to this piece, spelt out by the exposed flesh, the site of the wounds and, more subtly, the guns (the guns!). However, there is no sexual interaction going in a conventional sense. You might suppose that both parties find it arousing, certainly the captive does, he for once is both muscled and defiant, bravely confronting an inescapable, seemingly grisly fate.

These two attackers might easily have attracted his admiring attention on the street, their faces are not ugly but they are grotesquely contorted in expression of their sadistic pleasure. Cloaking them in Hell's Angels trappings suggests wildness and a capacity for unrestrained violence that greatly adds to our forebodings of a very bad ending for this victim.

Interestingly the central figure's face seems to show the characteristics of a black man although his skin is white. Greasetank's faces often blur racial characteristics, it's all part of his exploration of eroticism and this experimentation is a clue to understanding his art.

 Greasetank - In The Woods

In this image there's a similar ambiguity about the dark-skinned captive whose face belongs to Greasetank's neutral, 'victim' persona more than any distinctive racial group. The noose is probably a more eloquent symbol of race hate. We know that this scene (like Greasetank's depictions of queer bashing and drive-by shootings) reflect real events that happen in the U.S.A. and are not simply the invention of some perverted imagination, but notice that there is no appeal to our sense of injustice, no clues to what has precipitated this scene, apart from the symbolic, frothing beer bottle and self satisfied grins. Those grins are part of some well-observed laddishness that might be quite attractive in a different context. In fact there's a strange sense that these muscular men are seducing their victim into his fate. That idea becomes more explicit in my next example.


 There is much controversy generated by Greasetank's use of facist imagery in some of his pictures. Greasetank was born shortly after the Second World War and reached his formative years towards the end of the 60's when the true enormity of the Nazi war crimes against civilians and minorities was finally being grasped by the world, long after the initial horror of piled-up bodies had been digested. At this time the Swastika and 'SS' symbols were synonymous with almost unimaginable, ruthless and terrifying cruelty in a way that is hard for younger people to truly understand. We presently stand in a similar revelatory position to the atrocities of the Yugoslav wars and it is likely that in the years to come the black flag of ISIS will achieve a similar, shameful notoriety that we barely comprehend as yet. When Greasetank uses Nazi imagery in his pictures he is not promoting their ideas, but rather is symbolising in his thuggish characters the same mind-set of remorseless, unbounded cruelty driven by a twisted, ideological motivation.
Image self-censored by author - see comments below
(click on title)

Greasetank - Scab eyes

These men are not soldiers of the 3rd Reich but have merely donned (over-sized) elements of that garb. It signals evil, but with those enviable physiques and goofy, seductive smiles, Greasetank makes it hard for us to see them as callous brutes. But here they are re-enacting the worst excesses of that hated regime, gently ushering their (blind?) victim into a steel chamber with a friendly, teasing tweak of the nipple while holding a lethal canister in hand.

This is a more developed example of how Greasetank depicts victims, diminishing them and deliberately contrasting them with the health and physical attractiveness of their captors and tormentors. In other pictures he takes it further, showing us emaciated, shaven-headed figures who still haven't suffered enough to be spared more torture. Why depict such cruelty?

Because of the death camp associations, these images shock and repel the intellect even more than the blood splattered ones. However, in the series of pictures of which this is a part, the striking characterisations give you an eerie sense of witnessing something disturbingly real and of gaining fleeting insights into the psychology of evil. It's not sexy of course but the thrill of horror we get is frighteningly similar. Our confusion is increased by the appearance of the perpetrators who, removed from this narrative, would seem quite attractive.

It's interesting to test yourself here. How would you feel if the roles were reversed in this scenario and the sexy bullies were to become the victims, ushered to their fate by corpse-like beings? Would that seem as horrific? Sexy? Is this what Greasetank is inviting us to do?

These images are part of a progression in Greasetank's work. If you review the other examples in this article you will see the same theme of unequal protagonists and callous indifference - no, of positive pleasure - in threatening and inflicting suffering. According to Greasetank that progression chronicles his testing of his own limits in linking violence and sex, love and hate. You can either go along with him on this basis or bail out at some point according to your own values.

However, we all bring our own experience to these pictures and if you feel you having suffered injustice yourself, as many gay people do, then you may well feel a strange sense of recognition in the plight of these victims. To still be able then to see attractiveness in his perpetrators becomes all the more confusing and disturbing. To admire them or desire them seems the most extreme type of masochism. I suppose it's an example of the Stockholm syndrome at work. Alternatively, you may mentally join forces with these terrible men, taking the chance in fantasy to mete out vengeful violence as carelessly as they do. Greasetank presents us with these frightening thoughts which no doubt he shared himself.

Image self-censored by author - see comments below

 Greasetank - Beer Bust

This image is part of a similar scene to the one above but I shrink from reproducing it in full. There are enough clues here to what the missing part contains but you'll need to join a specialist group like GMBA (link at foot of sidebar) to find the unedited version. You'll probably have noticed how adept Greasetank is in using lighting to highlight the characteristics, good and bad, in his men in a sensual way and this is a striking example which serves to emphasise their unpleasantness too.

The masculine allure he manages to engineer for these dreadful characters does not just come from their obvious physical attributes, but from the facial expressions and body stances he gives them. These are highly authentic and convincing. He captures something very real about how men are, their personality if you like. It's a skill unmatched by most artists in this genre who tend to be preoccupied with the anatomical and the carnal. The result is some very seductive images despite their appalling subject matter.


Greasetank's work was seen as controversial and shocking in it's day and still is, but that is not a particularly enlightening response.  Why do we find violence attractive or perhaps arousing? Even when it's directed against the most undeserving? Even against people just like ourselves? Even when the violence is repulsive, why do we still want to look on, not to witness the suffering but, in Greasetanks art, to watch the pleasure it's perpetrators get from it?
There's an article about Greasetank at Queer Arts which attempts to explain the rationale of his work in the stock intellectual language of the art critic - shock tactics, forbidden thoughts, shining a light into dark areas of the psyche etc etc and making comparisons with the colour techniques of Old Masters. However, the essence of Greasetank's art really is contained in his own comment that he's simply exploring how brutality and sexuality feed off each other and how we and he respond to that. As I have suggested above, the roots of that for some people may run quite deep.

It might be more appropriate to compare his work with the Freddie Kruger school of movie making which uses (more subtly) the same ingredients - attractive, teenage lovers interrupted and destroyed by an axe-wielding murderer. At root, Greasetank's work is simply erotic horror art and it's lush sensuality is testimony to that. But he takes some real, major social/ethical issues of our world as his starting point and shines a cold, disturbing light on them which speaks for itself. Giving them an unreal sexual dimension is not really contributing to any political debate, any more than Freddy Kruger's rampages tell us anything about mental health, if anything both subvert that discussion.

Greasetank - Calling the Shots

 For that reason I conclude with this picture from the 'Vietnam' group. It shows his skill with figure drawing focused more overtly on the erotic content. The callous violence still subtly hovers in the background but arguably adds little to this particular piece which conceptually is a close relative of 'River Shooting' in Part 1 of this article.

Greasetank said his art would become uninteresting when it was neither attractive nor repulsive. Most of his art is striving to be both, portraying sexuality, menace and threat, and giving fears a tangible expression. Most gay men will relate to those ideas in their own inner lives. He does go further than most to make the threat seem extreme and his most heavy-handed examples infuse the rest of his work too with a flavour of looming evil and danger that frightening but nevertheless fascinating.
The results are disturbing but illuminating for the open-minded.

Greasetank died in 2009 and there is no website for him but you will find a plentiful supply of his art via search-engines including his most bloody envisioning and links to the blogs and sites of his adoring fans.

Read this article from Part 1
text updated Jan 2017, Mar 2018, Nov 2019

Monday, 17 October 2016

Greasetank - 1

Greasetank has a uniquely legendary status amongst S&M art fans. It stems partly from the exceptional extremes of violence and cruelty which he often depicted but also from the expressive sensuality and drama which infused his most memorable images. 

Greasetank - Why don't you officers just eat me?

Villains were at the centre of his works, like 'Johnny' above.
Evil men but with looks and attitude that commanded attention and admiration.

Greasetank - Sore Losers

Greasetank's badmen have a penchant for arbitrary violence, often using guns and sometimes knives. But no matter how unpleasant, these marauding thugs are always depicted as muscular and strong with villainous good looks. Greasetank uses dramatic lighting to enhance the masculine characteristics of the gunmen. If their weaponry augments their masculinity, their nudity also augments the menace of their guns. The victims are anonymous, mere accessories in this particular Greasetank atrocity and in general rarely achieve equal representation with their attackers.

Greasetank - River Attack

Naturally sex also forms part of the heady mix. I love this representation of sailor-dom with the young rating servicing his older, bigger (and straighter?) shipmate, who keeps marauders at bay with a machine gun while lightening his load. The linkage of sexual prowess with guns and ejaculation with shooting, is unmistakeable.

The whole scene is infused with eroticism and drama. The lighting treatment is atmospheric and alluring and through it you get a sense of Greasetank's underlying artistic prowess. At this stage he is still wrestling with the usual problem of creating clothing in CGI, but the facial expressions of the two sailors are very arresting, the older one's determined grimace seemingly borrowed from 'Popeye'.

 There's a touch of gung-ho, boys comic adventure ca. 1950 about this scenario. There's a whiff of racist sentiment too and it also hovers around Greasetank's Vietnam War images. However, in his All-American 'Red Neck' images he shows black characters as both victims and perpetrators, so I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt in this department.
Greasetank - Fag Patrol

Cops raiding a night-time cruising ground and for once the victims take centre stage. Their leather attire speaks of experience not experimentation. But notice how young and vulnerable the two compromised gays seem in contrast to the examples of aggressive straightdom seen in other pictures in this article. How terrified they are by the threat posed by the weaponry levelled at them and the threatening attitude of the visible captor. With the damning, rather unpleasant dildo evidence centre stage Greasetank almost seems to be setting them up here. He gives you a sense of how perceived weakness can become an excuse for abuse.
Greasetank - We're Coming For You

Greasetank more usually depicted homophobic violence at the hands of gleeful rednecks ruthlessly brutalising their favourite prey. This is a gay boy's nightmare made real*. Men whom he might find sexually attractive are invading his bedroom at night with the obvious intention of doing him harm and motivated by drunken-ness as much as any rational thought. The unfairness of it all and the imbalance of power is spelt out in the contrasting depictions of the characters. If you find this erotic despite yourself, you are discovering one of Greasetank's conundrums - if these people hate us so much, why do we find them sexually attractive?

*it's my supposition that this is a homophobic attack, Greasetank's pictures often accompanied stories and I'm not familiar with this one. There are internet sites that reproduce these stories.
Continued in Part 2

Greasetank as a CGI artist doesn't qualify for my A-Z series 
but is included in my consolidated index of artists

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Hunk of the Month - Brian Bodine 4

You can read this article from Part 1 here

Given the generally upbeat flavour of Brian Bodine's appearances under the Lucas banner it's not entirely surprising to find this sheer playfulness announcing his appearance for Titan Men in Thrill Ride (2011). How appealing is that, chaps? He's re-adopted the name Jason Diaz for this role, presumably at the request of the studio. Personally I think the understated Brian Bodine suits him much better.

In this film he's unexpectedly paired off with Logan Scott who usually seems to be cast in the role of perpetual victimhood (which he generally plays in a most appealing manner I must say!). His participation is, however, a clue that Bodine is resuming the role of top.

 Before long the two get down to business in the Falcon-esque pool setting which is a world away from the darkly sexy interiors of the Lucas movies. Notice how Brian/Jason has become a little chunkier and a little less 'cut' in his musculature, hopefully that's a sign of contentment.

(Titan seems to have repackaged and re-issued this video as 'Deep End' recently and these stills come from that re-issue.)

As far as I can tell this is Bodine's last appearance and this relaxed and happy shot makes an ideal swansong. A modest career spanning about 7 years but with it's fair share of memorable moments which have given me great pleasure in compiling this article.

My thanks to TitanMen for the images in today's post

However, this is not the end of my story. In researching Brian's career I came across references to the name 'Jay Black'. This model, who has made more recent film appearances, bears a superficial resemblance to Bodine in some pictures (above) and has also used the name Jason Diaz (according to 'Smutjunkies'). For a while I pursued that lead before realising that the face couldn't have changed that much in 4 years and that the faintly-visible shoulder tattoos did not match either. Such is the burden of the terminally obsessive!

This wild goose chase was not entirely fruitless however. I ran across some exciting material including the fab shot above from the now-forgotten 'Lords of the Jungle' (2006). Although it turned out to be a different man in the end and therefore of no value for this article, I think the material I found is more than good enough for a post of it's own and this will appear here soon (see Jay Black Part 1).
You can read the Brian Bodine article from Part 1 here
 for other articles in the 'hunk' series click on the label below

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Hunk of the Month - Brian Bodine 3

You can read this article from Part 1 here

In 2008 Bodine gets a role with Lucas Entertainment in 'Cruising Budapest' with the Mangiatti Twins and this heralds something of a change in style bringing out a different side to his erotic persona.

The move to a bigger studio has provided a step up in image quality showcasing Bodine's lush muscularity. I'm not a big fan of orgies but this pairing with the twins creates a marvellous sense of  intimacy and 'sharing' which we can vicariously enjoy as well.

That warmth carries on in his appearance with Bryan Slater, also for Lucas in the 'Auditions ' series in 2010. Happily for me he's now  sporting that characterful hair. This isn't Brian's first on-screen bottoming role but he's portraying a nice degree of cheerful discomfort and awkwardness.

 There's a trace of the 'gangsta' persona glimpsed in 'Rush' in this pic,
 but it's not really representative of the flavour of the video.

 In fact there's a warm, almost romantic conclusion to the scene. Bryan Slater puts his arm protectively round Bodine's shoulders as they shoot their loads together. This isn't the norm for gay porn 'climaxes' and it seems to reflect a genuine warmth between these two characters. If you have a look on search engines you will find other images from the same sequence where Bryan is affectionate and playful with his younger companion lying alongside him.

Bodine's 'Rush' encounter with Spencer Reed follows on from this appearance and if you watch it on video you can detect a similar gentle atmosphere.

Thanks to Lucas Entertainment for these images

You can read this article from Part 1 here
 for other articles in the 'hunk' series click on the label below

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Hunk of the Month - Brian Bodine 2

You can read this article from Part 1 here

Bodine's film history is somewhat confusing. Titan Men link him to the 2004 film 'Horse' under the name Jason Diaz. He gets a 10 minute slot with Troy Punk in this atmospheric, heavy leather piece. A surprising debut!

He moves to more conventional territory for the 2006 film 'Wildlands', playing a lone hiker who unleashes the repressed sexual urgings of a Park Ranger. There's a nice manly moment for him where he picks up the naked Ranger, cradled in his arms, and carries him outside onto the porch to stuff him over the balcony rail. As you can see he sports a shaved head for this scene and (sadly from my point of view) this is has been the case for most of his film career.

 Luckily his youthful good looks compensate for the missing thatch.
He made several films for some of the less prominent studios in the run-up to 2008.

Most of these seem to have passed into obscurity as far as the internet is concerned, although this cover suggests that lack of quality was not necessarily the cause.

IMDb calls this a 'Boxing Themed vignette'. It's from the film 'T.K.O.' with Jake Havok in 2007.
(I can't find a link for T.K.O. it now belongs to Raging Stallion)

In this period Bodine's reputation was very much based on his muscularity and the challenging length of his cock, hence the by-line "Jake Havok is man enough.......",
see above for confirmation of this claim

 There are some nice shots from this era emphasising his masculine and ethnic credentials

You can gather from this that Bodine's passive role with Spencer Reed in part one of this article was not the only shot in his armoury, making that episode all the more interesting.

You can read this article from Part 1 here
 for other articles in the 'hunk' series click on the label below