To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Saturday, 9 January 2016

"A Christmas Criminal" - Part 23

Mitchell HG13 - Season's Greetings
Tom's appeal does not fall on deaf ears.
The kindly Guard bends him over a chair
So he'll no longer have to balance on his hobbled feet.
Meanwhile an inspection of the premises by the other Guard
Reveals the hall to be extensively Decked with Boughs of Holly
It's an ideal item with which to introduce a seasonal flavour
 to Tom's punishment proceedings. 

continued in Part 24

 Read this series from Part 1

Friday, 8 January 2016

Part 13 has been updated

As promised I have now provided a coloured version of the picture for Part 13
of "A Christmas Criminal" and slightly revised the text.

"A Christmas Criminal" - Part 22


The spanking gathers pace, but Tom refuses to show them any weakness.
He thinks he can outlast the spanker's hand.
But two spankers have double the firepower of one.
Toms ass is on fire by the time one retires,
 .... and the other one carries on anyway,
it's as though his palms are made of leather.
Tom trembles and his confidence suddenly ebbs.
Mitchell HG22 - Have a Heart!
Tom's unsupported now, balancing unsteadily on hobbled feet.
The impacts on his ass force him forward,
shuffling step by step across the room until
his progress is halted by the Christmas Tree.

The jumble of presents around his feet reminds him of his son.
Still waiting at home for Father Christmas to come.
This stark reminder of his failure to provide
rekindles Tom's spirit and fuels his cunning.

Surely the Guard's hand must be burning hot by now.
He must be full of frustration, anger and embarrassment
  at his victim's endurance and refusal to capitulate
Contemplating a shameful failure marring on his record.

Tom reckons he can get him to stop now
by making a crafty pretence of suffering
and a friendly appeal to his good nature.
That surely ought to do the trick in this Season of Goodwill.

continued in Part 23

Read this series from Part 1

Wednesday, 6 January 2016

"A Christmas Criminal" - Part 21

The Security Guard's attack is sudden 
- and unexpectedly painful.
Mitchell HG21 - Surprised by Slaps
 Tom's bottom has been shorn of it's normal cushion of hairiness,
sensitised by prolonged exposure to the intense heat of the fire 
and further inflamed by irritant action of the chemical cleaner 
which the Guards sprayed all over his body.
But spanking is a punishment he often had to contend with in his youth
primarily at the hands of his hated father (who haunts him still it seems).
He taught himself then how to endure it and thwart his parent's purpose.
He expects to do the same now.
The thought that he might get off scot free after all
(once the ineffective punishment ritual is completed)
gives him a strangely perverse thrill of pleasure.
Triumph snatched from the hands of defeat! 

continued in Part 22

Read this series from Part 1

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

"A Christmas Criminal" - Part 20

The apparition of Tom's dead father vanishes as quickly as it appeared.
Tom wonders if it really happened, 
whether any of this evening's bizarre events are real.

Real or not, his parent's disdainful rebuke hurts.
It feels as if he's still watching him now from the shadows.
Suddenly Tom feels very small and very foolish 
for getting himself into this scrape.

These regrets are abruptly cut short....

Mitchell HG20 - Stand Up!

continued in part 21

Read this series from Part 1

Monday, 4 January 2016

"A Christmas Criminal" - Part 19

The Guards leave Tom squirming on his chair.
Knowing the sting of the astringent cleaning liquid
will become increasingly unbearable on his sensitised skin.

The clock on the mantlepiece begins to strike midnight,
It's Christmas Day, he's been trapped here nearly two hours.

Mitchell HG19 - The Spirit of Christmas Past
Before the chimes can finish a ghostly apparition materialises before him.
A familiar figure uttering familiar words from Christmas Days long gone.
They too still have the power to sting.

to be continued

 Read this series from Part 1

Sunday, 3 January 2016

"A Christmas Criminal" - Part 18

 The Guards move Tom's chair away from the heat of fire.
For fear of scorching their own uniforms.
But Tom is already sweating profusely anyway,
just from the sheer intimacy of their procedure.

It culminates with these strangers shaving round his groin.
As his body is systematically reduced to total hairless-ness,
Tom's anxiety scales new heights.
If he's not to be handed over to the Police, then what?

Mitchell HG18 - Sprayed
When it's all done and the trimmings tidied away,
They spray his body with bright green liquid.
It looks and smells like kitchen cleaner.

It feels cold and horrid on his sensitised skin at first.
Then it begins to sting him - all over his body.


Read this series from Part 1