Todays example is a curious variation on Royale's usual themes but it has many of the hallmarks - tight trousers, curious shorts and boots, men forced to work under duress, then rebelling and overpowering their guards only to suffer even worse punishment. The two workers also look like known Royale models. What makes it unusual, however, is the absence of identifiable military uniforms. Instead we are treated to some excellent shots of tight jeans in their 1950's designs (and shorts of course).
Looking at this rogue's gallery (click to enlarge) I have speculated that Peter might have connections with Hungarian refugees who came to the UK in the 1950's and his PUN ID relates to a Hungarian name.
Royale Extreme Gardening
The gardening chore seems an unlikely scenario. The young gardener stripped to the waist is a classic heterosexual woman's fantasy but is pretty rare in gay porn, presumably because it is so linked to the home and bored housewife situation. Royale employ it as labour for inmates of this dubious institution and the guards make sure they put their backs into it - literally.
The studio put some effort into making the prisoners misery look authentic with lash marks (right) and a fairly realistic attack on the left. Sadly the outdoor setting compomises the lighting depriving us of the subtleties of the models' bodies but the patch pockets on the jeans of the collapsing model - the long suffering Peter George - look pretty good.
Royale Rebels
The rebellion pictures are in close-up and slightly better quality. Royale used wrestling sequences in a number of sets, like their contemporary AMG, but I haven't come across many decent surviving examples. Wrestling was out of vogue by the 'Guys In Uniforms' era. In this picture I like the way the leg seam of the jeans (right) traces the curve of the model's thigh. This effect is also created (even with modestly proportioned thighs) when a wearer is sitting down and I have always found it sexy but it's a rare sight these days, jean seams are less prominent now and the detailing and waists have travelled downwards so the garment no longer complements the erotic zones of the male body as it once did.
Royale - Guys on Top
This is one of those images that has been composed with some care to provide erotic detail which might escape the casual observer - there's an illusion that the far model is kneeling with his crotch just above the guard's averted face, look at where his fist is placed, the line of the hoe shaft he is holding. Look at where the nearest model's hands are placed, (it's a shame those shorts are over exposed!).
There's also some nice muscular detail to look at in his arm. In those days, they had to exist on meagre fare by today's standards, but it's still erotic if you take the trouble to look and fantasise.
You can see other examples of 'hidden eroticism' by clicking on the label below.
Royale Tied and Punished
My final picture echoes the closing scene of 'Unapproved' with the offender's hands tied overhead and his feet tied together too, offering his backside for punishment which is being vigourously applied. It's an inelegant pose, the scrunching of the jeans where the ropes are tied irritates me, but you get a sense of his subjugation. I don't have good copies of this sequence even though it's in a studio, there's a tantalising faded glimpse of interesting shorts worn by the bystander.
The Cosmoleather labelling on the pictures has Dutch connections but I haven't been able to track it down properly yet. I'd be glad of information from readers.