To my readers......


Thanks for visiting mitchmen, home of Mitchell's Gay Art

The Caps and Collars/ Flat Cap Gang story at Google Groups has been on a break since January,
I am working on it and hope to resume shortly. (see Group News for link)

Link to the Royale Studio Archive in the right sidebar

Message updated 6th Sept 2024

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Royale Studio 11 - Gym punishments (Article Superseded)

This article is now superseded by Gym Instructor 
at the Royale Studio Open Archive.

In the 'Guys in Uniform' review we started with some outstanding gym punishment scenes and it's interesting to compare the Royale equivalents.

Royale Plimsoll Spanking
These pictures appear to be from the same set judging by the socks and seating arrangements although each face visible in one picture is obscured in the other! I only have these two pictures from this set and have deduced the sequence from Royale's normal modus operandum, but would be delighted to hear from anyone who has more pictures or more information about them. In the first, the spanker rides on his victim like we saw in the last post. He appears to have some authority over the other two men since they offer no resistance. The bystander has been overtaken by dread or remorse - or perhaps he has already had his plimsoll spanking.

Royale - Spanking Tables Turned

In the other picture the tables are turned, this is one of my favourite Royale images and is very well known. I just love the spanker's laddish, determined face - quite a change from his agonising in the first picture (just check the socks to identify each man) . His colleague applying the barely noticeable arm lock on the victim contributes some sexy thighs to the erotica. This picture has a more natural quality and energy than many of Royale's images. The hand spanking is unusual for them but naturally integrates the participants into a neat, coherent image. The shorts and socks are sexy and look right while the antique football boots are an interesting period detail.

I'd love to find further pictures from that set, 
please get in touch if you want to swap via the link on my Profile Page

Monday, 16 August 2010

Royale Studio 10 - Army Discipline (Article Superseded)

This Article has been superseded by two articles at the mitchmen Royale Studio blog containing many more images - The Recruit and The Cheat

Royale - Army Riding Lesson

I've included these pictures because they are further examples of soldiers in identifiable regimental uniforms such as led in the Royale scandal. 'Guys in Uniform' learned from this mistake but suffered the same fate eventually. It's interesting to speculate on how such a studio would fare in today's slightly easier environment. These pictures are from two different sets with the usual spanking scenario. The first example is faded but shows a nice humiliation twist inspired by the spanker's riding clothes complete with spurs. There's also a fine pair of shorts on show.

NOTE:- The photo above is taken from Royale's series called 'The Recruit' and this note is superseded by the article on that set at the mitchmen Royale Studio Open Archive

Royale - Horseman Beating

In the other picture the victim appears to be having to endure a fierce arm lock as well as the assault on his backside. That formidable pair of thighs would tempt any spanker! Modern day soldiers are allowed to wear their berets in rather more stylish ways than this and there are a couple of examples at

NOTE:- The photo above is taken from Royale's series called 'The Cheat' and this note is superseded by the article on that set at the mitchmen Royale Studio Open Archive

Saturday, 14 August 2010

Sailors in Uniform blog

US Sailor - Arms akimbo

By way of an interlude in the Royale review, but in the same vein, a couple of pictures from a new blog dedicated to the delights of Sailors in Uniform and called appropriately enough sailoruniform
It promises to be quite a treat for Naval enthusiasts, if these pictures are anything to go by.
I think there may be more interesting stuff in the pipeline.

US Sailor pertly posing

Friday, 13 August 2010

Royale Studio 9 - "Escape" (aka "Captivity") Article Superseded

This article has been replaced by an extended version at the Royale Studio blog by mitchmen

Todays example is a curious variation on Royale's usual themes but it has many of the hallmarks - tight trousers, curious shorts and boots, men forced to work under duress, then rebelling and overpowering their guards only to suffer even worse punishment. The two workers also look like known Royale models. What makes it unusual, however, is the absence of identifiable military uniforms. Instead we are treated to some excellent shots of tight jeans in their 1950's designs (and shorts of course).

Looking at this rogue's gallery (click to enlarge) I have speculated that Peter might have connections with Hungarian refugees who came to the UK in the 1950's and his PUN ID relates to a Hungarian name. 

Royale Extreme Gardening

The gardening chore seems an unlikely scenario. The young gardener stripped to the waist is a classic heterosexual woman's fantasy but is pretty rare in gay porn, presumably because it is so linked to the home and bored housewife situation. Royale employ it as labour for inmates of this dubious institution and the guards make sure they put their backs into it - literally.

The studio put some effort into making the prisoners misery look authentic with lash marks (right) and a fairly realistic attack on the left. Sadly the outdoor setting compomises the lighting depriving us of the subtleties of the models' bodies but the patch pockets on the jeans of the collapsing model - the long suffering Peter George - look pretty good.

Royale Rebels

The rebellion pictures are in close-up and slightly better quality. Royale used wrestling sequences in a number of sets, like their contemporary AMG, but I haven't come across many decent surviving examples. Wrestling was out of vogue by the 'Guys In Uniforms' era. In this picture I like the way the leg seam of the jeans (right) traces the curve of the model's thigh. This effect is also created (even with modestly proportioned thighs) when a wearer is sitting down and I have always found it sexy but it's a rare sight these days, jean seams are less prominent now and the detailing and waists have travelled downwards so the garment no longer complements the erotic zones of the male body as it once did.

Royale - Guys on Top

This is one of those images that has been composed with some care to provide erotic detail which might escape the casual observer - there's an illusion that the far model is kneeling with his crotch just above the guard's averted face, look at where his fist is placed, the line of the hoe shaft he is holding. Look at where the nearest model's hands are placed, (it's a shame those shorts are over exposed!). 

There's also some nice muscular detail to look at in his arm. In those days, they had to exist on meagre fare by today's standards, but it's still erotic if you take the trouble to look and fantasise.
You can see other examples of 'hidden eroticism' by clicking on the label below.

Royale Tied and Punished

My final picture echoes the closing scene of 'Unapproved' with the offender's hands tied overhead and his feet tied together too, offering his backside for punishment which is being vigourously applied. It's an inelegant pose, the scrunching of the jeans where the ropes are tied irritates me, but you get a sense of his subjugation. I don't have good copies of this sequence even though it's in a studio, there's a tantalising faded glimpse of interesting shorts worn by the bystander.

The Cosmoleather labelling on the pictures has Dutch connections but I haven't been able to track it down properly yet. I'd be glad of information from readers.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Royale Studio 8 - "The Unapproved" (Article Superceded)

This Article Has Been Superceded by 
at the Royale Studio Open Archive

Today's post showcases a major Royale series called 'The Unapproved'. It comprises of at least 40 pictures, some of which are quite well known. The Unapproved tag is a play on the name of UK institutions for young offenders known as 'Approved Schools'. They were purely civilian in nature but operated in a  military manner and have long since been closed down.

In this series a naval rating and soldier experience severe discipline in the military equivalent and eventually escape over the wall only to be recaptured and suffer even worse treatment. 
(I am indebted to Sailor Al's site for the background information on this series).

In this series the disciplinarians are dressed in impressive military uniforms with peaked caps and horse riding apparel (Horse Guards?). These were the sort of authentic uniforms which horrified the Army establishment and got Royale into trouble. The two inmates are dressed in the studio's regulation tight fit shorts and the muscular sailor shows up particularly well in his tropical uniform.

I've seen it said that spanking at this time was not as taboo as other fetishes because it was common practice in UK schools and homes. I'm not so sure about that hypothesis, any sexual connotations were unacceptable and most spanking pictures from this era are deliberately playful (think of AMG) . Royale's images are obviously erotic and their CP punishments were presented as mercilessly real. The element of coercion, which is undisguised in this picture only makes it worse. The absence of nudity was just a sop to public standards, these images were dynamite.

Many of the pictures in this series are shot outside in the open air and this 'escape' sequence benefits from the naturalistic treatment, it looks real but the erotic elements are not lost and the physical exertion allows the model's muscularity to show through. The sense of urgency in this image makes clear the inmates fear of the guards. Making these models perform in an ordinary, outdoor setting, while dressed in these sexy clothes serves to enhance the eroticism of it all.

Unfortunately outside lighting can't be relied upon to give the same results as the studio and this recapture picture has a artificial, 'pose for the camera' quality. But despite these shortcomings the heroic pose of the recaptured sailor and the despair of his soldier buddy are memorable.
Notice the sailor appears to be fiddling with his fly ....a bribe?

Finally, in an underground, vaulted room the offenders face the ultimate punishment away from prying eyes. The soldier comes into his own in these pictures, with arms tied above his head his leaner build looks very vulnerable and those thighs are magnificent!

It's quite a crowded scene and the cartwheel seems a bit incongruous. You can imagine how appealing it must have seemed in concept, tying the sailor across it, but in reality it isn't big enough to produce the degree of stretching which would make it really erotic.

This is still a powerful image however.

Sunday, 8 August 2010

Royale Studio 7 - Leather Man Punished (ARTICLE SUPERCED)

This Article has been superceded by
at the Royale Studio Open Archive

Royale - Leather Boy Suspended

Just to show Royale did know how to handle jeans, we'll continue our excursion into 'civvy street' with a leather 'boy' suspended and his denim clad mate. The jeans are tight and either of these backsides would have looked good draped over the sailor's knee in the last post. The upward looking viewpoint not only gives us a nice view but enhances the sense of height and suspension. I like 'preparation' scenes like this, not simply because they excite for what is to come, but also because they show the cold, workman-like process of securing the captive for his fate. There is strange helpless, intimacy with his captor while this is happening. The two men here brush thighs in a very sexy way.

Royal - Leather Boy Whipped

The second picture is quite different and although it shows a genuine whipping in progress and a prominent bulge in the victim's jeans, it's somehow less satisfying. The square-on viewpoint is partly responsible, setting the two figures apart into a disconnected composition. But also, for me, the suspended figure doesn't quite work, tension seems to be missing despite the 'up on toes' position. I can't work out if its the excess of clothing (an exposed tummy would look great here), the unconvincing feet apart stance (which gives less height than feet together if you are being forced to stand on your toes) or the flimsy looking suspension arrangements that are the problem.

The fashions shown here come and go over the years, the tailored mini-turnups on the denim man's jeans were quite sophisticated at the time having evolved from the trademark 'manual' turnups which were necessary because jeans did not come in a range of leg lengths. I haven't yet come across a Guys in Uniform picture showing this sort of gear. Their leather pictures tend to be more specialised and intense but the bondage pose is a variation of the 'the rigging position' used by both studios.

Saturday, 7 August 2010

Royale Studio 6 - Sailor and Teddy Boy (ARTICLE SUPERCEDED)

This article has now been replaced by a much extended one 
at the mitchmen Royale Studio blog (25th March 2023)

The Gym style punishment in the last post also featured in my review of Guys in Uniform material and it's quite an interesting erotic power scenario. For the ordinary serviceman, the stiff formality of the uniform has a protective character and hides his individuality. When he is made to change into flimsy, briefer gym kit his body is more exposed but he also loses that shield of anonymity and membership of the 'pack'. The dispenser of punishment remains in his own uniform which reinforces his authority and the subservience of the victim.

Today's post continues the caning theme but features a rather different 'uniform' situation as a sailor disciplines a Teddy boy. At this time shortly after the Second World War, most British men were conscripted at 18 into 'National Service', a 3 year spell in one of the armed forces. Uniforms were thus a common sight on the streets and still commanded respect. Teddy boys (named after their supposedly Edwardian dress) represented youthful rebellion against all this authority and conformity with their flamboyant clothing and hair styles (think Elvis). Alcohol fueled rivalry between the two groups sometimes erupted into fighting.

Sailor with cane
This series features a particularly good image of the muscular sailor in his bell bottoms, looming thoughtfully over the prostrate Teddy boy who sports an authentic 'quiff' and sideburns. I'm not sure jeans were part of the 'uniform', I think they belong to a different 'tribe' but I might be wrong about that.

Military Discipline (Navy Style) for the Rebel

In the second picture the rebel gets his come-uppance. Although it's an unreal spanking pose these uncluttered studio shots are visually attractive and show the models off, inviting closer inspection. This one actually shows the cane in blurred motion which is quite a rarity, even these days when no holds are barred. It tells the viewer that although these may be models posing formally, there was real pain going on at one point. Perhaps to the total surprise of the recipient, a delicious conjecture!

I'm not absolutely certain this is a Royale picture although the sailor model is from the right era and the stylistic details of his clothing look right. Assuming it is, however, it surprises me a little that the Teddy boy's jeans don't have the same tightness and flimsiness we expect in these pictures. Instead they look disappointingly tough and protective. The sailor outfits were especially made of thin fabric so as to be revealing, jeans have more complex detail and would be more of a challenge to reproduce this way, perhaps this excursion into 'civvies' was strictly a one-off and not worth the trouble.