I have featured this artist a couple of times before at mitchmen, in the '
Milking Factory' series.
Here a selection of some of his other works.
Some of the images I have included not so much for their subject matter as for the characterisations of the participants. The excruciated grimace of the suspended man here, bracing himself for the hammer shaft is a delight, particularly as we can see the insertion has only just begun and there's a long way to go. His face conveys the impression of a mature, good-looking man.
The set-up here is a bit weird. The darkened forest has a sinister air but the ladder propped against the tree provides a very down-to-earth hint of how to suspend a man this way. I must admit I'm baffled by the wheelbarrow. Is this how he arrived having been somehow incapacitated elsewhere? Now it seems to contain his discarded clothes which reinforce his straight/regular guy nature.

The artist is equally coy as how this scenario came about, but once again we have an interesting looking captive putting on the agony, this time in the crushing grip of a workshop vice (there's an interesting double meaning there!). Meanwhile his tormentor sits by, casually smoking a cigar and although he's naked and aroused he seems relatively uninvolved and certainly unmoved by the pain he's causing.

This subject has become a popular expression of how slavery works in practice. These these images are usually closely based on Etienne's 1980's drawing in 'Leatherland' or the AMG photo. It's hard to convey a sense of the effort needed to haul such a vehicle and this picture doesn't do so directly, but DGG's take has the virtue that it shows the 'pony' looking sweaty and stressed from his work. At least he's been allowed the benefit of footwear. The passenger sitting back and enjoying the ride looks suitably mischievous and smug (with a passing resemblance to a certain Royal who's also been known to manipulate).
There's another variant of this idea in the mitchmen article about
Mike Carcel's work and also 'The Estate' by
Few of us are lucky enough to still have a privy at the bottom of our garden and it's usually relegated to storage these days and so makes an excellent place for a sub in training or needing to be hidden away from prying eyes. He's protected there from the worst ravages of the weather* and creatures of the night. Too bad if he's scared of spiders, but his master can be assured of finding him eager to please whenever he drops by.
One never tires of the bad cop scenario and this is a neat depiction with a cute, handcuffed suspect looking surprised by the cop's interrogation technique. His clothes lying on the floor tell us he's not a jogger but we don't know if he was picked up, loitering on this country lane, or was brought here by the cop to be probed.
If you've checked the 'Milking Factory' links above to previous posts featuring DGG you'll know he's quite interested in men being abducted by aliens and investigated. This set up looks like a genuine scientific experiment with the captives' heads fitted with sensors and readings showing on the observers' monitors. The fact that they are watching, scantily clad themselves, might suggest a deeper interest. This particular human practice might take a bit of figuring out and could easily produce misleading conclusions.
DGG's images are often drawn on a broad canvass with 'the action' taking second place to the overall situation and this is a pronounced example of that. He captures the sense of a vast laboratory with a isolation booth purpose built for humans with oxygen/air supplied from storage tanks underneath. One of the captives has a nice, rugged face. He's too busy to wonder what might happen to them when the experimentations are concluded.

Two travellers on a lonely country road fall foul of a lurking UFO. You might deduce from the absence of discarded clothing that they were parked up for a purpose, apparently eating chocolates from a heart-shaped box. These aliens seem to have spotted them and having read the book want to discover for themselves what human men find so interesting. Their featureless faces and pale, undead-like, bodies add to the scary situation and it's small wonder the young man picked out for the demonstration looks utterly terrified. His friend in the back of the pick-up truck seems to have adjusted quite happily. Perhaps he's met these aliens before and brought them some new material to investigate.
A busy night at the butt bar with a range of interesting-looking men helping themselves to the facilities. Despite the appearance of restraint, there are those who would happily volunteer to be included in the line-up, even if they can't see who is 'doing' them.
This is a relatively run of the mill, sex-slave scene but DGG's treatment of it is certainly not. The split level floor that diagonally bisects the image is something of a contrivance, plot-wise, but its visual effect dominates the image and is something I can't recall having seen exploited in quite this way in other renders, although it's an easy thing to do in that medium. The glossy floor and walls create a high-end effect suggestive of a modern leisure centre and is appropriately populated by hunky men of all sorts who watch the action from a respectful distance.
The black character seems to enjoy a highly respected status that deters the others from gate-crashing the scene and even the rugged-looking penetrator (looking delightfully flushed) seems to be an underling, looking up to him as if for approval or instructions. The stainless steel restraints on the prisoner reflect the classy look of the surroundings but seem incongruous and give the whole scene a mysterious sense of a ritual punishment, or perhaps it's simply an initiation.
There are similar ingredients here with a muscular, booted man supervising the proceedings and giving instructions to an acolyte who is steadying another naked man to receive of a substantial butt-plug. Unsurprisingly, he doesn't seem to be enjoying it very much, even with the benefit of lube. His face is a marvellous study of excruciating discomfort.
The sports bag suggests there's a gym used here but the bare room with peeling walls looks like any other damp basement, just somewhere to do what needs to be done in private. An aptitude test for sub-ing applicants maybe.
Thank goodness his creative mind is being put to good use producing these 'renderings', otherwise who knows what mischief he'd be getting up to.