
Saturday, 6 April 2019

mitchmen's war No11 - The Batman No 1 - A Nice Young Man

Continuing my whimsical series exploring the erotic side of War Comics.

The frame below comes from War Picture Library No 1683 'No Quarter'.

To modern gay eyes a funny innuendo jumps out at you,
one worthy of the 'Carry On...' films. 
Those of you familiar with the gay language of the era will recognise the innuendo in Corporal Punter's name. The comic-erotic flavour is further enhanced by the parade of men behind, 
who are seen carrying oversize dildos and showing us their bottoms.
(modestly naturally, as was the norm for these publications)

However, if you look at the faces of the principals here, 
it's not hard to imagine a substantial erotic buzz between these two men.
with an inter-generational element, much enhanced by the Corporal's boyish side cap.

Naturally there's also a power gap between the different ranks here
and it set me wondering what might happen if all those chemicals started reacting.
I added some naughty thoughts and slightly altered the caption at the bottom.....

"A batman or an orderly is a soldier or airman assigned to a commissioned officer as a personal servant".

In practice I doubt that many batmen wanted to mess around with their Officers.
It's perhaps more likely that some Officers had wicked thoughts about their men.
But they couldn't use their ranks to take advantage of them,
They would have to content themselves with looking, imagining or
 giving the man interesting things to do, perhaps involving some undressing.


The cover art for this comic is remarkably well imagined and seductive.
You'd be lucky to find three handsome men like this serving alongside you. 
Any Officer having the pick of them would think he'd gone to heaven!

Go to Part 12 of this series

For other imaginings in this series click on the 'War Comics' label below
or read all these War Comics articles from the Start
images updated Apr 2021 

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