I suppose 'bound' is not quite the right word for this arrangement but this is an absolutely classic bondage image, from Mr S. It captures the despair of a captive, cast into irons that are not only inescapable but impose an uncomfortable and awkward position on the wearer.
I can trace it back to 2004 but it may be even older.
These irons are also capable of inflicting great indignity on the unfortunate captive.
With potential for worse if he's got a badass guard.
I don't know who the model was, I'd be glad of info from readers.
He was subjected to a series of bondage devices during this shoot.
I guess this was how he arrived, freshly condemned.
But at least he's still got his jeans on.
The honeymoon didn't last long.
There's a terrific sense of tight restraint in this image.
These are good for opening up the chest, they said.
Handy too for opening up his pants (etc).
See more Rigid Irons @ Mr S
a classic "put in irons" immobilized and accessible with massive restraint... 😈