
Saturday, 11 May 2013

A-Z of Fetish Artists - Sawara

Sawara - Master and Slave

A notable contribution to the letter 'S' by Sawara. The leather jacket suggests some photo trickery here but it helps define the status of the 'M' rather nicely. I'm not sure about that bulge though!

I don't have any other information on the artist or a link I'm afraid, but a reader has kindly corrected the name for me and given a little information in the comments below.

For earlier posts in this series, click on the A-Z label below


  1. That Sarawa drawing always gets me hot - its so beautifully done as well. Artistry and horniness!

  2. His name is "Sawara" according to his signature and the red stamp, which is a chinese letter and reads "sawara," the Japanese name for Japanese Spanish mackerel. The fish is a symbol of success in Japan.

  3. Many thanks for the information! I have corrected the post
