Sabian - Auditioning
We kick off the letter 'S' proper with Sabian. Sabian's
style looks vintage in more ways than one, but he's still around
drawing young men with exceptionally well developed pectorals,
eternally taking the role of 'sub' in fetishistic scenes. In the
first picture this character takes centre stage but, interestingly, the two
'cowboys' in the background seem to have attracted most of the
artist's interest. They are depicted with more care and have
distinctive features and clothing. Most of Sabian's work (that I have
seen) is not as polished as this, but the supporting cast always seem
that bit more interesting than the 'hero'.
Sabian - Punishment In The Stockroom
The second picture shows more unusual and
vintage-looking, male domination stereotypes and the anonymous,
sketchily-drawn, sex-object victim. It's a hot domination scene and
the unusual setting of a warehouse, with the naked victim forced to
carry heavy crates, gives the image punch. I detect the influence of
Tom of Finland in the face of the 'blue shirt guy' and possibly also
in the placing of the principal tormentor in the foreground to create drama
and depth. However, the architectural awareness and soaring height suggested by the background
window is not Tom at all but highly original. We're not talking high art here, but it's
pretty atmospheric story telling.
Sabian - Chest Lashing
'Chest Lashing' is a more mainstream, fetish, dungeon
scene featuring those over-developed pecs on another victim and
another retro 'dom' complete with cool shades. The backward arch of
the captive's suspension is erotic and a true torture and despite the
improbable angle of attack there's a real sense of painful impact by
the lash. The foreground 'devil' with his electro-prod, waiting his
turn adds depth to the image and grit to it's storyline. The style is
casual and sketchy but there's a degree of sophistication in the
simple background wall effect and the fading out of shading in the
lower legs, replaced by simply drawn crease lines so they don't
distract from the main focus of the picture. You may have seen this
technique used most successfully by Bill Ward in his 'Drum' comics.
Sabian - Rodeo Fun Boy Available
A puzzling title but the final picture is my favourite. The tied and
tormented body-builder appears to have been taken captive while
sleeping and once again drama oozes out of the picture. The
background laughing villain is a great creation. At times Sabian's
victims have a distinctly feminine appearance in both body shape and
stance but unlike some other artists (e.g. Bishop) they are not
obviously adapted from female originals. Sabian's
work is a flagbearer for male pec fetish.
There's a small selection of Sabian's images at
Pecity and an interview in Pridesites
Pec Mag. There's a link to his site on Flickr but it wouldn't
work for me, I'd welcome info on his current whereabouts!
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He use to have a yahoo group but that closed down. Unfortunately no idea if he still does drawings