It's the sort of gratuitously homo-erotic scene that would be slipped into a Hollywood gangster movie as the 'squealer' get his reward. Attacked in his bed while sleeping - the ultimate time of vulnerability.
Here the attacker is stripped to the waist and his trousers have a slight sheen, suggesting that they might be silky, pyjama bottoms (an incidental treat to stoke the imagination of fabric enthusiasts!). This may mean that it is the captive who is the visitor - a pick-up lured into a trap - or a burglar getting an unexpectedly personal welcome.
The characterisation of the two men adds to the story. The 'top' is a slender man, lean and mean judging by the coarse way he casually smokes his cigarette while taunting the tattooed, muscular hunk who has fallen into his hands (and into his bed!) - and who now squirms and trembles fearfully between his legs. Superb!
If you know the artist please let me know.
Mmmm! Hot! Hot! Hot!