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at the Royale Studio Open Archive

Just to show Royale did know how to handle jeans, we'll continue our excursion into 'civvy street' with a leather 'boy' suspended and his denim clad mate. The jeans are tight and either of these backsides would have looked good draped over the sailor's knee in the last post. The upward looking viewpoint not only gives us a nice view but enhances the sense of height and suspension. I like 'preparation' scenes like this, not simply because they excite for what is to come, but also because they show the cold, workman-like process of securing the captive for his fate. There is strange helpless, intimacy with his captor while this is happening. The two men here brush thighs in a very sexy way.
Royal - Leather Boy Whipped
The second picture is quite different and although it shows a genuine whipping in progress and a prominent bulge in the victim's jeans, it's somehow less satisfying. The square-on viewpoint is partly responsible, setting the two figures apart into a disconnected composition. But also, for me, the suspended figure doesn't quite work, tension seems to be missing despite the 'up on toes' position. I can't work out if its the excess of clothing (an exposed tummy would look great here), the unconvincing feet apart stance (which gives less height than feet together if you are being forced to stand on your toes) or the flimsy looking suspension arrangements that are the problem.
The fashions shown here come and go over the years, the tailored mini-turnups on the denim man's jeans were quite sophisticated at the time having evolved from the trademark 'manual' turnups which were necessary because jeans did not come in a range of leg lengths. I haven't yet come across a Guys in Uniform picture showing this sort of gear. Their leather pictures tend to be more specialised and intense but the bondage pose is a variation of the 'the rigging position' used by both studios.
I have the impression that the picture would look sexier if the victim was not quite so symmetrical and staged...maybe writhing and twisting one way a bit,certainly with legs bent in different directions...But yes you are right about the actual flimsy bondage frame,not much the guy can do to look realistic if the whole lot and half the ceiling is about to fall down on top of him!